Use Jolteon! It's speed is amazing, and its special attack is awesome!

Jolteon @ Leftovers
Ability: Volt Absorb (takes HP in from electric type moves)
Trait: Modest (+ Sp. attack - Attack)
Nicknames: Zeus, Thor
Thunder/ Discharge (both are STAB, although, if you do not want to take risks by missing with Thunder, by all means use Discharge as it has a higher hit rate and it is a powerful move)
ThunderBolt (STAB, amazing power)
ThunderWave (Paralyzes foes)
VoltSwitch (STAB, switches out to awaiting Pokémon (on your side))
That is which Pokémon I suggest you use (instead of Elecrtivire), now I will help you on your OU team:
Instead of Salamence, I suggest you use Garchomp, as it is faster and its attack power is amazing!

Garchomp @ Dragon Fang
Ability: Sand Veil (Increases evasion (makes it harder to hit your Garchomp))
Trait: Adamant (+ Attack - Sp.Attack)
Nicknames: Slash, Boss
Swords Dance (increases attack power by two)
DragonClaw (STAB)
DragonRush (STAB, however, it may miss)
Earthquake (STAB)
Toxic (If you are stuck, use this to make it easier to take out foes)
Toxicroak can be weak due to the low defence stat. If you want to keep him as a physical sweeper, do so, if not, I suggest Conkeldurr:

Conkeldurr @ Black Belt
Ability: Guts (increases attack power by 50% if it has a status condition of: poison, burn, paralysis, freeze or sleep)
Trait: Adamant (+ Attack - Sp.Attack)
Nicknames: IronFist, BAM!!!
DrainPunch (STAB, regains HP)
StoneEdge (Covers flying types)
Mach Punch (STAB)
BulkUp (increases attack and defence by one)
Hope I helped!