Oh boy, Choice sets are my favorite! :D Let's begin.
Rotom-Heat @ Choice Specs/Scarf
Trait: Levitate
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Modest/Timid Nature
- Overheat
- Volt Switch
- Trick
- Hidden Power [Grass]
Well, one of the most common Choiced Pokemons in UU. Pretty simply with what this guy can do. Overheat ruins anything not resistant to it, and hits extremely hard when Specs is on. Volt Switch is your STAB, and let's you have one strong Pokemon who can hit-and-run. Trick is just amazing on this fellow, as you can usually ruin things such as Snorlax, who would not appreciate any of the 2 Choiced sets this guy runs. Also, while tricking your item away, you have the ability to switch up your moves and be more versatile. HP Grass is finally here to hit things like Rhyperior or Swampert, who resist & are immune to both of your STABs. The only thing this guy is gonna need is spin support, as SR is not something he favors to switch in to.
Machamp @ Choice Band
Trait: No Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- DynamicPunch
- Ice Punch
- Payback
- Stone Edge
Welcome one of the scariest Banded Pokemons ever. :D This guy's set is pretty simply to understand. DynamicPunch all the things, give them their fair share of confusion with a scary fighting STAB. Ice Punch here let's you just DESTROY Flygon, CLaydol, Rotom-C, Nidoking/Queen, Roserade, and a lot more. Payback is really only here to be able to hit Ghost types for a bit more damage, making it enough to OHKO them (unless Sash saves them). Stone Edge lets you hit the Fire types and it a great move in general. Beware of Sableye and his Will-O-Wisp.
Rhyperior @ Choice Band
Trait: Solid Rock
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 HP / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Rock Blast
- Megahorn
- Earthquake
- Aqua Tail (Replaceable)
Oh boy, look at that Base 140 Atk stat! Rock Blast here is prefered, since you might get lucky, hit some 3-5 times (hitting only twice sucks :/) and break subs like the Dino-Rock boss you are. Megahorn just puts fear in anything that is a Dark or Psychic type. Earthquake, c'mon, who doesn't use it? It lets you hit scary UU threats such as Raikou, Fire types, or hit anything else for strong, good, reliant damage. Aqua Tail is so you can hit some other fellow Ground or Rock types scramblin to survive in UU. Though it's an ok move, you can fit in any other move you think is best.
Crobat @ Choice Band
Trait: Inner Focus
EVs: 252 Spd / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Jolly Nature
- Brave Bird
- U-turn
- Roost
- Zen Headbutt/Cross Poison/Pursuit
Well, say hello to one scary Banded Pokemon. Not only does Band provide the power, but he also brings speed into this battle. Brave Bird. C'mon, only meant for this guy to abuse with a Band. Hurts anything except Rock or Steel types, and even then, still hit's them pretty hard. U-Turn is kinda obvious, as it helps you scout the opponents team, and deal a good amount of damage with it. Roost may see weird here, but allow me to explain. The point of it is to go in there into something you resist or are immune to, Roost up for a turn while they switch, and then get the hell out of there. Zem Headbutt is just coverage, and you can opt to go for Cross Poison/Pursuit if you prefer
Chandelure @ Choice Scarf/Specs
Trait: Flash Fire
EVs: 252 SAtk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Timid Nature
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball
- Energy Ball
- Trick
Well, why not add the scariest Ghost type in UU? I mean, just look at how deadly this thing is. Flamethrower is your most reliable Fire STAB, though you can decide if you want Fire Blast or Overheat instead. Shadow Ball is great, cause it hits anything hard, coming off that base 145 SAtk. Energy Ball lets you hit things who can take you down, such as Water types or Rock or Ground types. Trick, once again, could ruin any Physical Pokemon or set-up Pokemon. Just watch out for faster pokes with a STAB SE move on you.
That's all for now, as I don't want to exceed the 8000 character limit xP