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34 votes

Some abilities have overworld effect. For example, when Pokémon with Arena Trap ability leads party, chace of encountering wild Pokémon rises to 200%. Do anyone know all the abilities having overworld effect?

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2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

("E" stands for Emerald)
Arena Trap (E onward), Illuminate, No Guard (E onward): raises encounter chance
Compound Eyes (E onward), Super Luck (gen 8 onward): raises chance of finding held items on wild Pokemon
Cute Charm (E onward): raises chance of encountering opposite-gender Pokemon
Flame Body (E onward), Magma Armor (E onward), Steam Engine: halves cycles required to hatch eggs
Flash Fire (gen 8 onward): raises chance of encountering fire Pokemon
Harvest (gen 8 onward): raises chance of encountering grass Pokemon
Honey Gather: can create honey after a battle
Hustle (E onward), Pressure (E onward), Vital Spirit (E onward): raises chance of encountering high level Pokemon
Hyper Cutter (E only): ability user cuts grass in a 2-tile radius when it uses cut
Immunity (gens 3 and 4 only): ability user doesn't take poison damage outside of battle
Infiltrator (gen 8 onward), Quick Feet, Stench, White Smoke (E onward): lowers encounter chance
Intimidate (E onward), Keen Eye (E onward): lowers encounter chance when wild Pokemon have low levels
Lightning Rod (E only): raises chance of getting calls on the Pokenav
Lightning Rod (gen 8 onward), Static (E onward): raises chance of encountering electric Pokemon
Magnet Pull (E onward): raises chance of encountering steel Pokemon
Pickup: can create a held item after a battle
Sand Veil (E onward): lowers encounter chance in sandstorms
Snow Cloak: lowers encounter chance in snowstorms
Sticky Hold (E onward), Suction Cups (E onward): raises chance of fishing a Pokemon
Storm Drain (gen 8 onward): raises chance of encountering water Pokemon
Swarm (E only): raises chance of hearing Pokemon cries
Synchronize (E onward): raises chance of encountering a Pokemon with the same nature

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Can we have all the abilities in one answer? That way people don't have to look in multiple places.
powermove, deselecting PM's answer and selecting this one :0
good thing PM (rightly) dgaf and is benevolent :b
41 votes

Excellent question! I did some research and this is what I came up with...

Arena Trap, Illuminate, No Guard: more likely to encounter wild Pokemon
Quick Feet, Stench, White Smoke: less likely to encounter wild Pokemon
Sand Veil: less likely to encounter wild Pokemon, if you are in a sandstorm
Snow Cloak: less likely to encounter wild Pokemon, if you are in a snowstorm

Static: more likely to encounter Electric-type Pokemon
Magnet Pull: more likely to find Steel-type Pokemon in the wild
Intimidate, Hustle, Keen Eye, Pressure, Vital Spirit: increases the chance of encountering a higher-level Pokemon

Compoundeyes: more likely to encounter Pokemon holding an item
Synchronize: 50% chance of encountering a Pokemon with the same nature
Cute Charm: 66% chance of encountering a Pokemon with the opposite gender

Sticky Hold, Suction Cups: higher chance of getting a bite when fishing
Pickup: the Pokemon may pick up items
Honey Gather: Pokemon may pick up honey
Flame Body, Magma Armor: halves the number of steps needed to hatch an egg

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Thanks. It´s even greater answer than I expected:)
I would like to add Synchronize to this list as it makes any encountered Pokemon the same nature as the ability holder.
...it's already on there.
Oops, sorry, didnt notice it lol
Huh, I thought there were more over-world affecting abilities.
Intimidate and keen eye give you a chance of completely preventing an encounter with a low level Pokemon. Hustle, pressure, and vital spirit give you a chance of raising the level of a wild Pokemon you're about to encounter.
Illuminate, immunity, pickup, and stench are the only abilities that had field effects in RS and FRLG. Most of these other abilities gained their field effects in Emerald.