Ive been tryna think of a water type but I don't want tentacool because I already have a defensive pokemon and crabbys more physical so don't really want him either any suggestions? and a good move set for the pokemon please thank-you.
Here are some suggestions, of which movesets you can look on the site for:
Gyarados Kingdra Starmie Swampert Kyogre Suicune Vaporeon
Ice Beam Surf Hypnosis Hyper Voice / Psychic
Focus Punch / Earthquake Hypnosis Belly Drum Waterfall
Politoed is incredibly balanced, and also has a high HP stat. It's very durable, and has a pretty good movepool, too.
Feraligatr poliwhirl/wrath/toed dewgong lanturn-super annoying to defeat in trained right kingler-it has a huge attack and you should try using it