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I have used Sawk before and he was really strong, but I want to use Mienshao too.They both have the same attack stat and Mienshao is faster but Sawk has sturdy which is one of my favorite ability's. I'm playing Black so I can get Sawk way earlier but is it worth waiting for Mienshao?


2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

If this is in-game, use whichever one you think is cooler. But as for which one is better in competetive, that'd be my buddy Meinshao. He is much faster, has access to a lot of good moves like Hi Jump Kick, Fake Out, and Stone Edge, has the ability to Baton Pass, run a Specs/Calm Mind set, and abuse U-turn (Which was a god-send) with Regenerator, which is arguably one of the best abilities in the game.

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thanks but this is for in game so i think i'll go for sawk to help me against Lenora
Notice the bold
ingame it would still probably be meinshao
1 vote

Availability: Early-game (Pinwheel Forest (Outer), 10% Black, 5% White (rustling grass)).
Typing: Fighting typing lets Sawk take on Lenora, Brycen, Grimsley, N, and Ghetsis well, though it loses to Shauntal and Caitlin.
Stats: Sawk's high Attack and Speed, coupled with acceptable bulk, make it an excellent sweeper
Movepool: Sawk upgrades from Double Kick to Low Sweep to Brick Break to Close Combat throughout the game, with TM moves like Return and Rock Slide providing useful coverage. Work Up and Bulk Up at level 33 let Sawk boost its Attack.
Major Battles: Sawk wins handily against Lenora but needs Work Up or Bulk Up to sweep most of the other Gyms. Against the Elite 4, Sawk sweeps Grimsley and is neutral against Marshal. STAB Close Combat takes care of half of both N's and Ghetsis's teams.
Additional Comments: Sawk is very effective out of the box, but STAB moves are resisted fairly often, and its adequate defensive stats don't hold up as well towards the end of the game. Sturdy is the preferred ability but not required. Try to catch a Sawk at level 17 from dark grass to start with Low Sweep.

Availability: Late-game (Outside of Dragonspiral Tower with 30% chance to appear in both types of grass).
Typing: Fighting allows it to hit common Normal-types along with Brycen and Grimsley super effectively. However, it is left vulnerable to Shauntal and Caitlin, whose Pokémon can take Fighting-type moves comfortably.
Stats: Mienfoo's Attack and Speed are mediocre at best, with the rest being even lower. Mienfoo gains a significant boost in Attack and Speed upon evolving, however, and can outpace the majority of endgame opponents.
Movepool: Mienfoo will have Drain Punch upon being caught and will learn Jump Kick at level 37. It can be taught Work Up, Brick Break, Acrobatics, and Rock Slide through TMs as well.
Major Battles: Mienfoo does well against Brycen and Drayden/Iris, though for the latter it needs to set up 3 Work Ups. Grimsley is also a good matchup, and Mienshao can defeat N's Zoroark, Klinklang, and Vanilluxe.
Additional Comments: Mienfoo isn't a bad Pokémon, but it doesn't cover what is left of the game well. Regenerator is recommended over Inner Focus to heal 1/3 HP upon switching out, which works well with U-Turn and Mienfoo's high Speed. It is a good idea to catch a Mienfoo from the dark grass from outer Dragonspiral Tower (accessible only in Winter), as it will be caught at a higher level.

tldr Mienshao is worse than Sawk in just about every way except speed and ability. It must be caught and evolved very late in the game and is still less useful than Sawk in the last few boss battles because of its lower defense stats and weaker moves.

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