LC Fire huh? Inventive. Houndour, like houndoom, can pull of a fairly
wide variety of sets. But the set I use is very similar to the set I
use on Houndoom, NastyDour

Houndour @ Life Orb
Trait: Flash Fire / Early Bird
Level: 5
EVs: 200 SAtk / / 252 Spd / 52 HP
Modest Nature
- Nasty Plot
- Fire Blast
- Dark Pulse
- Hidden Power [Fighting]
This is the very basic set for Houndour. The idea of this set is to switch on something who can't really do much damage to you at all, then set up Nasty Plot on the switch. A very powerful Fire Blast or Dark Pulse would do massive damage to anything that doesn't resist it. Hp Fight hits a lot in sync with Dark Pulse with perfect coverage.
Although this set does pack quite a lot of checks, it's quite hard to fully counter. The best best is to pack something like Mienfoo with Fake out, and Drain punch to out speed after the flinch. You can pack sucker punch instead of HP Fight, but I like the perfect coverage with the boost better.
I have a a fair few more sets, so it' likely I'll answer this again.