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2 votes

Hmm, I would like to know which one is stronger because I'm looking for physic type Pokemon for my team but I don't know which Pokemon is stronger? could you shared your idea about it? or maybe should I use another physic type Pokemon? please let me know :) thanks


2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

It really depends on what you want.


Gardivoir is a special tank with high S.attack and S.defense who has a wide movepool. Alakazam for four gens had the highest S.attack in the game and has top 20 speed thus making him a sweeper he also has a decent movepool.


Gardevoir though has great S.attack and S.defense has bad defense and low speed for psychic type. Alakazam despite having amazing S.attack and speed his defenses and hp are terrible and the physical special split has removed some great moves for him like the punches.

So if you want a tank choose gardevoir. If you want a sweeper choose alakazam.

For a good moveset just look around the site.
Oh thanks I agree with you
1 vote

From a competitive Pokemon standpoint, Alakazam is better. Notably, Alakazam's base 120 Speed allows it to outspeed many Pokemon, including the crowded base 100 benchmark and the already-fast 110 benchmark. Its 135 Special Attack is also 10 greater than Gardevoir's 125. Alakazam's Magic Guard also makes it immune to all sorts of passive damage, most notably entry hazards, Toxic, Sandstorm, and its own Life Orb's recoil damage. Gardevoir does have their strengths; Fairy typing is nice, and having a secondary STAB super effective against Dark is always nice for a Psychic type. However, neither Alakazam nor Gardevoir are great hit-takers, meaning Gardevoir's Fairy typing doesn't offer as much defensive capability as one may imagine, most notably only giving the Dragon immunity. Gardevoir can still be knocked out from common attacks much in the same way Alakazam can be, and this is exacerbated by the fact that Gardevoir is not immune to hazard damage. With Gardevoir's defensive advantage being pretty much null, Alakazam's more powerful Psychic-type attacks become much more appealing, especially since it still has options like Focus Blast and Dazzling Gleam to deal with Dark types.

From a playthrough perspective, it's still Alakazam, but only if you have access to TMs for moves like Dazzling Gleam or Focus Blast. Much of what I said above applies to a playthrough; however, Alakazam only learns Psychic-type attacks through level up, meaning to have any way to hit Dark types, you must invest a TM on it. In the Generation 1 games and their remakes, this would be fine due to the lack of Dark types and only one Steel type evolutionary line. However, take the Gen 3 or Gen 5 games, which both have a whole Dark type Elite 4 member. I believe that for the Gen 3 games (Ruby Sapphire Emerald, not FireRed LeafGreen) Gardevoir is better, as there is no Focus Blast TM, the Dark type Elite 4 member Sidney, the Ghost type Elite 4 member Phoebe that has a Sableye, and several of the gym leaders' Pokemon being Psychic, Steel, or Dark type. However, if you value the neutral coverage of Alakazam thanks to the elemental punches, Alakazam can still work, you just maybe want a Fighting type on your team as well. For every other game, Alakazam with Focus Blast or Dazzling Gleam is going to be better than Gardevoir; however, Gardevoir's Fairy typing is much more useful here than in competitive and may prove useful in certain situations.

I feel the points made against Alakazam for playthroughs are rather one-sided in their nature. Prior to gen 6, Gardevoir too was only a pure Psychic type, and it also had a learnset of only Psychic moves (in gen 4 and beyond, it gets Magical Leaf, which is weaker than STAB Psychic anyways), meaning that it too relied on TMs for coverage, so the only thing that Gardevoir gets in games preceding the Fairy type in coverage is the Thunderbolt TM. As a result, Gardevoir wouldn't fair well against major trainers that resist Psychic like Phoebe and Sidney too, though it's easier to just use your starter or another Pokémon for dealing with these battles. The elemental punches are also egg moves, which usually aren't very accessible in a normal playthrough.
Overall, this is no doubt still a great answer, but I feel the only thing Gardevoir has over Alakazam in playthroughs is STAB Fairy type in XY and beyond, as well as better bulk in comparison to Alakazam.
oh sht I completely forgot that fairy was only added in gen 6