Okay... There's just one Pokemon who doesn't close his eyes when he is asleep because his eyes are never open. You know who i'm talking about right? Brockymon
Brockymon That's what he looks like. It's funneh! XD
The serious answer. :P
Pokemon without eyes and Pokemon with closed eyes.
>Abra, Zubat, Gloom, Staryu, Starmie, Ditto/Mew transformed to any of the other Pokemon listed here. Dunsparce, Swinub, Piloswine, Skitty, Nosepass, Gulpin, Makuhita, Spinda, Torkoal, Baltoy, Lileep, Wynaut, Wobuffet, Clamperl, Uxie, Musharna, Woobat, Deino, Zweilous.
Thanks for reading my answer. Let's see what "Eyeless" Pokemon gen Vi will give us?