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I wanna run Mienshao mixed with HP Dark to counter those nasty Ghost types that switch in on my Fake Out or HJK, fondant told me how the ghosts are usually run from that we have gained that they're rarely used as special defensive walls so i'm hoping I don't need too much, Mienshao has Life Orb and will probably be Timid, if Necessary I'll run it Mild or Rash.

btw I want 2HKO's

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Well... don't. Want to counter ghosts? Get a Zoroark/ Weavile/ Krookodile/ Honchkrow. The only special move Mienshao should be running is HP Ice to counter Landorus & Gliscor, and since neither are present in UU, Gligar is the main threat to Mienshao and many carry Eviolite, so HP Ice is unlikely to OHKO it.

1 Answer

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3 words
Don't Even Try.
Well against the bulky ones that is

Using the sets and ghost Pokemon fondant mentioned

  • 252 SpAtk Life Orb Mienshao (+SpAtk) Hidden Power Dark vs 252 HP/4
    SpDef Eviolite Dusclops: 33.1% - 39.44% (3-4 hits to KO)
  • 252 SpAtk Life Orb Mienshao (+SpAtk) Hidden Power Dark vs 252 HP/136
    SpDef Sableye (+SpDef) : 31.25% - 36.84% [4 hits to KO (with Leftovers)]
  • 252 SpAtk Life Orb Mienshao (+SpAtk) Hidden Power Dark vs 248 HP/8
    SpDef Cofagrigus: 52.98% - 62.7% [2-3 hits to KO (with Leftovers)]
  • 252 SpAtk Life Orb Mienshao (+SpAtk) Hidden Power Dark vs 252 HP/4
    SpDef Cofagrigus: 52.81% - 62.5% [2-3 hits to KO (with Leftovers)]

Those are the bulky ones, and you have no chance of 2HKOing Sableye or Dusclops, even with max investment. Cofagrigus is possible, but also possibly not factoring in leftovers recovery.

Against the less bulkier ones that were also mentioned;

  • 0 SpAtk Life Orb Mienshao Hidden Power Dark vs 0 HP/0 SpDef
    Chandelure: 52.87% - 62.84% (2 hits to KO)
  • 0 SpAtk Life Orb Mienshao Hidden Power Dark vs 4 HP/0 SpDef Rotom:
    64.46% - 76.45% (2 hits to KO)
  • 68 SpAtk Life Orb Mienshao Hidden Power Dark vs 0 HP/0 SpDef
    Mismagius: 50.96% - 59.77% (2 hits to KO)

So running 68 EVs lets you take down Mismagius, as well as Chandy and Rotom.

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