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I will post an answer for every Pokemon, in order of appearance in the Pokedex. Comment with your speculations about tier placement and roles in the metagame. Talk about how you think the Mega Evolution helps out the base Pokemon. Or how it makes it worse. This is not for movesets however, we have the moveset questions for that.

I will also have a general Mega Evolution topic.

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28 Answers

0 votes

Mega Aggron


Aggron, basically, became Aggronier. Higher attack, higher defenses. Ok, that works. 230 defense is no laughing matter, and now sporting a nice looking base 140 attack, Aggron just might be hitting harder than ever. But, it loses Rock Head as a mega, so, no head smash spam for you, but filter gives it defensive merit. However without any recovery to speak of as a mega, and having lost Head Smash's usability, Mega Aggron is in my opinion, just a novelty, and more often than not, it would be favorable to run regular Aggron, with the benefit of an item and Head Smash, and leave a spot open for another mega-evolution. RU shall continue to be Aggron's home in my opinion.
Maybe, but it does lose its Rock typing, which is a good thing in my opinion. It is no longer 4x weak to the 2 most common types in pokemon! I would go with UU, as I think it would be too powerful for RU.
I would say UU. It can shrug off the most powerful physical attacks in even the OU tier and then retaliate with 140 base Attack. With a great support movepool, I can easily see this taking spots on teams from Registeel, and I expect it to be seen a solid amount in order to patch up a weakness on the physical side.
0 votes

Mega Medicham

RU. Without Scarf, Medicham is basically nothing but a wasted Slot in a party. Nothing different, just heightened Offenses.. Scarf really would make this OU.. Too bad it can't hold one.
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Mega Manectric

Well, I'm in two minds about this one. On one hand gamefreak has successfully turned a dog into a triangle. Well done GameFreak! On the other hand it has more Speed than weavile, a Special Attack higher than Gengar (the regular one),, and intimidate upon Mega-evolving. Being pure Electric it only has one (albeit very common) weakness, which is nice. But aside from Special Attack and Speed its other stats are pretty mediocre. I think this is another UU pokemon.
0 votes

Mega Banette

A really good buff to Banette, one that I would assume makes it a very viable OU Pokemon. First off, it has a great attack stat to abuse Shadow Sneak with. But more important is all the priority it gets, Will-o-wisp, Pain Split, Sub, Thunder Wave, Destiny Bond are all very useful.
0 votes

Mega Absol


It has Magic Bounce. That alone makes it awesome. It also has STAB Sucker Punch to abuse its 150 attack stat. It has good coverage moves as well. The thing that lets it down is its defences. It can't take a hit to save its life. Because of that I want to say UU, especially with the power creep. Aside from anything else, Mach Punch will destroy him. However, access to Magic Bounce could make it OU, but I don't think so.
Agreed, but simply being able to switch in and bounce back a SR or Toxic is useful even in OU. look at Xatu! So UU will probably be his  tier, but I am sure we will see some use in OU due to his ability. Oh, and if he switches in against someone who can virtually not touch him, he can threaten with Superpower or  Punishment if the opponent is a wall that uses calm mind and fears Dark.
This fixes one of the main problems Absol had, which was that it couldn't do much outside of Sucker Punch. Thanks to that humongous Speed boost, it can now actually hit hard with Superpower, Night Slash, Iron Tail, and Fire Blast. It now has a slightly more usable Special stat, one which is more powerful than a Life Orb boost from standard Absol would bring. Absol is slightly weaker in terms of how hard it hits on the physical side though.

So the buffs are speed and Magic Bounce. Magic Bounce would've easily made standard Absol UU. It's a great ability that stops hazards and statusing. The status prevention is pretty big for Absol, as now it doesn't need to have a moveslot for Substitute in order to force the Sucker Punch. Speed wise, base 115 is higher than the Latis, allowing Absol to kill the non Scarfed variants easily with Night Slash. It also gives it the tie against Starmie.

The main problems for it are lack of bulk and Fairies. Bulk means it can't take priority well. It has priority of its own, but the main priority users in OU resist Sucker Punch. Fairies meanwhile are able to resist Dark+Fighting coverage, which causes Absol some additional trouble.

All in all, I think the utility of Magic Guard is enough to make it OU when you also factor in that base 115 Speed, 115 Special, and 150 Attack with STAB priority. I assume it will see a decent amount of use in the tier, although it won't be a metagame defining force. Probably will replace Espeon and Xatu as the Magic Guarder of choice though.
0 votes

Mega Garchomp

I see no reason to use this over Kyurem-B. Kyurem-B has a worse typing, but it is faster and can use an item. I guess Sand teams can use Mega Garchomp, but I would think Mega Tyranitar would be the better choice for your Mega. Garchomp will still probably be OU, because Garchomp is a good Pokemon thanks to its Speed tier. And there aren't really any Dragons introduced that can unseat it. I think Mega Garchomp will see some use, but less of it than regular Garchomp.
I think we will see more of this guy in Doubles. Cresselia's Icy Wind and viable Tail Wind support will help its mediocre speed and the faster pace of the metagame makes Sand-support more alluring.
0 votes

Mega Lucario

I'd say Ubers. It can run a regular SD set like normal Lucario, but much better with it improved stats and Adaptability. And since in Ubers the Pokemon that counter the ExtremeSpeed, Ice Punch, and CC coverage are fairly uncommon (assuming you have SR set up [Lugia saks]) and will become less common with the power creep this generation.
0 votes

Mega Abomasnow

Weather nerf screwed this guy over. But still, he got some 'mega' upgrades as a mega. His shot from 75/85 to 105/105 but retained his 90 HP which means he cannot take that many more hits. And there is where it all ends........ literally. He will probably stay in OU or maybe go down to UU because he will be unable to use Leftovers. His speed drop from 60-30 can be detrimental. Though it might look nice on a TR team, who the heck wants to try and make a TR hail team that cannot even have infinite snow???
umm .... just pointing out Abomasnow was never OU - it was always in UU. No doubt because Hail was a lot less useful than Sun or Rain.
No. It was in OU but it dropped out.
oh right
Oops. I forgot about that.
In doubles, where much of the time five turns is all that's needed, this guy with a STAB Blizzard more powerful than that of Glaceon and rivaling that of Kyurem will not only make Trick Room Hail viable, he will be the strategy. Not to mention it can go mixed, physical or special with those stats and movepool. Watch out doubles, this guy is here to ruin your day.