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I know Pokémon can earn 0 stats when they level up, but can a stat be 0 when it's level 100?
Like this but different

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4 Answers

4 votes

In order to have a stat of 0, you would need to haven a base stat of zero which no Pokemon has. The closest we have is Shedinja who has the lowest base stat in the game of 1 HP with its min and max stat at level 100 being 1 HP. The second lowest (I believe is) 5 shared by many Pokemon such as Munchlax in speed. At level 100 with no investment and min ivs/no evs / negative nature, it has a minimum of 41 speed. All Pokemon are born with at least 1 stat point per stat.

0 votes

No your Pokemons stats cant be zero at level 100.
The Pokemon with a stat closest to zero is shedninja. Shedninja always has 1hp.

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The stat formula adds 10 to HP and 5 to all other stats, so even a 0 base stat will result in at least 5 points. In order to have a stat be 0, some part of the formula must be negative (which I think is impossible), or the formula must be wrong (which I think is possible only with Shedinja's HP, and that's 1, not 0).

Wishiwashi could make itself become the weakest Pokemon.

I just wanted to say that :P.
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420LegitShucks discovers a cool feature with stat calculation by investigating with Eternamax. If you are level 100 and have a stat boosting nature in Defense or Special Defense, Eternamax can reach a large 658 Defense or Special Defense stat. Or so you'd think! 654 Defense or Special Defense is as high as you can go; 655 will overflow to 0, 656 will overflow to 1, etc. SadisticMystic theorized and was later confirmed by the USUM source code that when stats are calculated with natures, rather than multiplying by 11 and dividing by 10 or some similar operation, they multiply by 110 or 90, then divide by 100. Moreover, this calculation is done in the context of an unsigned 16-bit integer, which means the value for such a calculation will overflow if it exceeds 65535. To give an example, suppose Eternamax has Bold Nature, 31 IVs, and 252 EVs. Recall that Eternamax has 250 base Defense. First, we calculate the stat without the nature:

Floor[(2 \* Base + IV + floor[EV/4]) * Level) / 100) + 5
-> Plug in Eternamax's stats
Floor[(2 \* 250+ 31 + floor[252/4]) * 100) / 100) + 5 =
Floor[(2 * 250+ 31 + 63) * 100) / 100) + 5 =
594 + 5 =

Now, take this 599, multiply by 110. 599*110 = 65890, which overflows back down to 65890 % 65536 = 354. Next, take 354 and divide by 100. 354/100 = 3.54, which rounds down to 3. So Eternamax's Defense in this case is 3.

See 420LegitShucks' original video or my upload for more data.

Now, this allows you to have a 0 Defense or Special Defense Eternamax. To review, the mechanics of 0 defense is unchanged since USUM; basically, you cancel out the base damage calculation where you attempt to divide by 0 and replace that value with 0. So every move attacking a Pokemon with 0 Defense or Special Defense will result in the attack having a base damage of 2 because of the +2 bit at the end of the base damage calculation. Subsequent modifiers to the move may increase or decrease this, but not by very much.

Note that this overflow only occurs if the stat is naturally calculated. You can't hack in a Pokemon directly with 655 Defense and expect it to be 0; it has to reach that 655 marker by normal means (a direct hack is ignoring the Nature calculation step). Because there was no Pokemon previously with a base stat that high in previous generations, no one would have been able to see this for themselves without ROM hacking the game. Of course, this overflow doesn't apply to HP, because HP does not have a nature component associated with it. It will only apply to Attack / Defense / Special Attack / Special Defense / Speed that has at least 249 for its base stat, 31 IVs, 252 EVs, and a boosting nature.


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