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2 Answers

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Gens 4-7:

/ds7 toxic spikes, stealth rock, spikes:
Forretress, Omanyte, Omastar, Pineco, Smeargle

Gen 8(Swsh):

/ds8 toxic spikes, stealth rock, spikes:
Mew, Omanyte, Omastar

Gen 8 BDSP: Omantye, Omastar, Smeargle, Deoxys

Gen 9:

/ds toxic spikes, stealth rock, spikes:
Clodsire, Forretress, Glimmet, Glimmora, Pineco, Quagsire, Wooper-Paldea

Sources: 1. Going on Showdown and using the command /ds[insert gen here] toxic spikes, stealth rock, spikes
2. Using the Gen 8 BDSP Doubles OU teambuilder on Showdown to see which Pokemon learn Toxic Spikes, Spikes, and Stealth Rock in the BDSP games

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There are only 2 Pokemon that can learn all three:


Omanyte also has to learn Stealth Rock via tutoring in B2W2. Forretress is the only Pokemon that can learn all 3 through level up & breeding in Gen VI.

You forgot Smeargle.