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Hope someone can help just muddled up with their names.

I always pronunce Yveltal as Y-vel-tal (Y as if how you'd say the alphabet) and nothing can change that. :P

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Here are the pronunciations that make the most sense (“ə” is a lazy vowel sound, like the “i” in “pencil” or the “u” in “circus”):

Braixen: BRĀK-sən (sounds like “breaks in”)

Aegislash: Ē-ji-slash (rhymes with “bee kiss cash” (I ran out of ideas for rhymes))

Gourgeist: GÔR-gīst (the “Gour” sounds like “gore”, the “geist” rhymes with “heist”)

Yveltal: I usually say ē-VEL-təl but it could be Ē-vil-täl (like “evil tall”)

Trevenant: TRE-və-nənt (rhymes with “revenant” or “heaven meant”)

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They're most probably true, but it'd be better if you link your source too.
–1 vote

Probably the best standard to go by is Marriland's, since I'm not aware of the official pronunciation guide for Gen 6. This is how I've heard him pronounce them so far:

Braxien = Brac-si-en.
Aegislash = Age-gi-slash
Gourgiest = Ga-wor-giest (giest as in poltergeist)
Yveltal = Yee-vel-tal
Trevenant = Tre-va-nant

The fire mid-starter is spelled Braixen, and is pronounced Briek-sen
I think It's more like Break-sen & Ee-vel-tal
If you watch the XY(Z) anime they say all of those. Braixen is BrA-xen. You did Aegislash right. Gour-giest. Trevanant is right. and so is Yveltal.
Most of these are wrong (Ga-wor-geist?!?!)
@HopHoppip X/Y had just released, and no one was 100% sure of the pronunciations. Marriland was one of the best sources for these kind of things, and confusions arise sometimes. No need to get extra hysterical about it.
@Cristal Maybach I’m not hysterical, just amused and surprised that someone looked at Gourgeist, a GOURD, and somehow put a W sound in there.