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In gen 5, Chandelure has shadowtag as its hidden ability, but has infiltrator in gen 6. (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO my choice scarfed trapper!)
If I transfer my ST Chandelure to gen 6, will it's ability change to infiltrator? Because if it will, that will be very disappointing :(
(Same question for quick feet Scolipede, even though speed boost is way better)

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2 Answers

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Best answer


A Pokemon's Hidden Ability, if different from their Gen 5 one in Gen 6, will have their Gen 6 ability once transferred into Pokemon X/Y. This means something like Quick Feet Scolipede will end up being Speed Boost Scolipede if transfered.
>In Generation V, Scolipede and its evolutionary relatives have Quick Feet instead of Speed Boost as their Hidden Ability. If a Scolipede with Quick Feet is transferred from Generation V to Generation VI using the Poké Transporter, its Ability will become Speed Boost.

In addition to this, your Chandelure probably won't transfer anyway. And if it did, yes it would have Iniltrator
Why wouldn't it transfer?
Shadow tag was NEVER RELEASED on the Chandelure line.
>In Generation V games, Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure have Shadow Tag as their Hidden Ability, but they cannot be obtained by any legitimate means. Their Hidden Ability is replaced with Infiltrator in Generation VI.


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Wow...shadow tag was nevered released
2 votes

Shadow Tag Chandelure would get Infiltrator if it even made it through

nope, shadow tag chandelurse would get infiltrator if it gets through the pokebank. however: shadow tag was an unreleased hidden ability. same goes for contrary serperior and sheer force feralligatr, so they wouldn't even make it through the hack check, so Pokemons with hidden abilities all get their new hidden ability through the pokebank

In Generation V games, Litwick, Lampent, and Chandelure have Shadow Tag as their Hidden Ability, but they cannot be obtained by any legitimate means. Their Hidden Ability is replaced with Infiltrator in Generation VI.
