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first of all if I breed a boy espurr with his ha with a girl espurr with out her ha is their still a chance the offspring would have espurrs ha or does the girl have to have the ha in order 4 the offspring to have espurrs ha ( hidden ability ) secondly if I breed a shiny is thier a bigger chance a shiny will hatch from the egg if so how much more of a chance

What this question is asking:

  • If I breed a male HA Pokemon with a female Pokemon of the same species without HA, could the offspring have HA?
  • If one of the parents are shiny, is there an increased chance of the offspring being shiny?
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thanks :)

2 Answers

1 vote

is their still a chance the offspring would have espurrs ha or does the girl have to have the ha in order 4 the offspring to have espurrs ha

No. The only way a male Pokemon can pass down their Hidden Ability is through breeding with Ditto.

Source 1 | Source 2

secondly if I breed a shiny is thier a bigger chance a shiny will hatch from the egg if so how much more of a chance

No. If the parent is shiny, the egg doesn't have a higher chance to be shiny.

Source: Experience

0 votes

There is a chance that the baby espurrs could have their HA only if the MAMA espurr has own tempo(it's HA). And if you're having trouble with hatching a baby shiny then try the Masuda method. It's when if you have 2 compatible Pokemon from different countries then breed them, the chance of getting a shiny will increase.
Source: knowledge

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