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Like Salamence is UU by usage but is to powerful for UU, so it is in BL

In case you're reading this question in the future, I also recommend you read that: https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/tiering-policy-framework.3628026/

1 Answer

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The main thing they look for is whether or not the Pokemon brings an imbalance to the game. This could be because it lowers certain Pokemon's usage, or limits teambuilding options. Take Aegislash for example; ever since it got kicked from OU, things like Mega Medicham and Starmie have seen a rise in usage as one of their primary counters left the tier. Other things include:

  • How easily it is countered. Things like Mega Mawile really never had a solid counter, nothing could really switch it without being immediately threatened by a ridiculously overpowered attack.
  • What it covers in the tier. What significant Pokemon can it stop? What Pokemon does it stop from being useful?
  • How important is it to teambuilding in the format? A centralising Pokemon might be seen as an acceptable part of the metagame if it also keeps other threats in check, or has a healthy utility that could not reasonably be replaced by a different Pokemon.

Also remember that sometimes there are bans based 100% on usage. If a Pokemon reaches usage of ~3.4% of all teams in the tier above it, then it will move up at the next tier shift (which happens every three months). This is how many bans happen, Smogon only do suspects if they genuinely feel that the Pokemon breaks the game.

edited by
The third bullet is wrong. I have seen Smogon users explicitly tell each other to not use "if we ban it from OU it won't be viable in Ubers" as an argument.
I agree. I will remove the point and replace it with a better one. (Though that isn't exactly what the point was saying -- it only suggested using the tier above as a proxy for how good to Pokemon actually is, though that's a very silly idea anyway.)
Smogon users also don't like "broken checks broken" arguments. If one broken Pokemon prevents another from becoming broken, then they'll try to ban both of them.
I haven't seen that one much. What are some examples of when that was a major factor in a decision that was made? (Also, centralising =/= broken.)
(Also, I will probably re-write this answer later. It has outdated numbers and I don't think it puts the right slant on this issue as a whole.)