I misunderstood the scenario the first time I read the question, so I went back to it and re-wrote the answer completely. I have no idea what you want credit for, as far as I'm concerned the only thing that is the same in our answers, is the part where I mention that "there is no area 11" and the multiple parts where I mention "boss trainer Janna".
"Boss trainer Janna" was relevant in my edit, as she is the boss trainer of area 10 in Black Tower in White 2. Whilst Owen thought there was an area 11 in the question description, so that's why I said "there is no area 11".
In retrospect I didn't copy anything from you, I've completed Black Tower before so I know from first-hand experience there is no area 11 and that Janna is the boss trainer in White 2. I did however use Bulbapedia's pages on "Black Tower", "White Treehollow", "Boss Trainers", and "Floccesy Town" as additional references, which I haven't linked into my answer, so if anyone deserves credit it's Bulbapedia no offense.
At any rate, I suspect you didn't know for sure that Black Tower and White Treehollow only have 10 areas because you said "according to this website", users only say that when they are unsure themselves and are relying on the information on another website to be accurate.