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4 Answers

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Best answer

Depending on the game, raising a Pokemon's happiness can be easier or harder. The more recent a game is, the easier it tends to be.

The literal fastest way to max a Pokemon's happiness is to follow these steps:

  1. Give your Pokemon a Soothe Bell. This will increase the amount of happiness a Pokemon will gain from any given happiness-raising activity by 50%.

  2. Go to your Pokemon's met location. This will increase any friendship raise by 1, as long as you're not in Gen 4.

  3. Feed your Pokemon ~18-20 happiness raising berries. Depending on how much you've used this Pokemon and what it's current happiness is, you may be able to use less. The berries that raise happiness are the Grepa, Hondew, Kelpsy, Pomeg, Qualot, and Tamato. Starting at a happiness level of 0, 18-20 berries will increase your happiness by about 200 points. Once your happiness is at 200 points, happiness berries become obsolete, however you only need 20 more points until you reach the required amount for evolution. This can be obtained in a number of ways.

The easiest way is to go get a massage or spam Rare Candies. A massage at minimum raises your friendship 5 points, and can sometimes raise it 30 points. Rare Candies, (prior to SwSh,) can raise your happiness 2-3 points for every level gained. After combining these two factors, you should reach the 220 Friendship threshold quickly.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to raise friendship in Pokemon. The simplest way is to slap a Soothe Bell on your Pokemon and battle with it until it evolves. The berry method is a lot harder to accomplish in some games than than in others, so feel free to explore other options like leveling up, walking around, and playing with your Pokemon.

BIG help if you're looking for ideas: Source

Let me know if there's anything I forgot or overlooked, there were a lot of ideas that went through my head coming up with this answer. Hope I could help!

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In SwSh, max Friendship is locked behind Pokemon Camp. Is there an effective way to quickly raise Friendship while camping?
Yes. In my experience, playing directly with your Pokemon and making a couple curry dishes for a total of ~3 minutes will boost your Pokemon's friendship significantly.

I remember evolving Type:Null into Silvally in SwSh by using a ton of friendship berries and playing in Pokemon Camp for about a minute before using a Rare Candy and evolving it.
19 votes

Well, there are many ways to raise a pokemon's happiness(friendship)
Here is a small chart for the different things that can increase
your Pokemon's Happiness.

| Event               |Normal | Soothe Bell | Luxury Ball | Both
| Walked 256 steps    | +1    | +2          | +2          | +3
| Use Healing Items   | +1    | +2          | +2          | +3
| Using a Stat Item   | +2    | +3          | +6          | +7
| Go up a level       | +2    | +3          | +6          | +7
| Happiness Berries   | +2    | +3          | +3          | +4
| Veilstone Massage   | +3    | +4          | +5          | +6
| Resort Area Massage | +5    | +6          | +6          | +7

You can find soothe bells at the pokemon mansion. Here is a list of berries that increase Happiness:

| Berry        | EV Points it Lowers
| Pomeg Berry  | 10 HP EVs
| Kelpsy Berry | 10 Attack EVs
| Qualot Berry | 10 Defense EVs
| Hondew Berry | 10 Special Attack EVs
| Grepa Berry  | 10 Special Defense EVs
| Tamato Berry | 10 Speed EVs

Stat items are your EV items, such as Proteins, HP Ups, PP Ups, and so on.
I am not sure if Rare Candy falls under level up happiness, Stat increasing, happiness, or both.

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when you say "both", do you mean.....
1. luxury ball and soothe bell
2. luxury ball and normal
3. soothe bell and normal
It means Soothe Bell and Luxury Ball. Basically for each of those you get an extra +1 on top of the normal value.
2 votes

well massages in veilstone city, ribbon syndicate spa treatment, battle but not being knocked out, soothe bell, poffins that are the flavor that they like, those things and i should know i have raised almost every pokemon

1 vote

put your pokemon in the first party and give it a happiness item like soothe bell. it's works to my budew! hope this usefull...

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