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7 votes

I want to cover the rock and ice weakness.

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Yeah, good idea. I haven't seen any fightning move rayquazas before though.
Why not just teach it earthquake? That helps against steel type as well
@Dabman1069 At the time of posting the question, Rayquaza with a Fighting-type coverage move was pretty common.
why not use a steel type move it counters rock ice AND fairy
Fairies didn't exist in Gen 5, and Fighting- as a whole offered more coverage.
lol didnt realize , before gen 6 brick break after gen 6 iron head

2 Answers

5 votes
Best answer

Probably the best choices would be either break brick or focus blast. Focus blast does more damage but only has five pp where as break brick has thirty.

brick break has 15PP
You could use a PP max on focus blast
2 votes

defientitly brick break do to pp and accuracy
