PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I just bought new 3ds and I wanted to play Pokemon X/Y/OR/AS. My 3ds was ver. 4.5 (the one in system setting). Should I update the version first to play or will the game self updating itself once the game inserted. Also if I wanted to play it which version would worked?

Was it already asked before? This question was allowed right?
are u talking about the game's version or the 3DS version?
I heard some game able to self-updating the 3DS into certain version. So, I'm actually asking what version the Pokemon XYORAS will update my 3DS. I think I heard someone say ver. 5.1

1 Answer

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Best answer

If the game needs to be updated, there will be a row of words telling you so (on the bottom of your top screen). Launch the game when connected to the internet, and it will prompt you to update.

By experience, the game doesn't update itself. If you don't update manually, you can't connect to the internet in your game.

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So we must update it ourselves. Is it possible to play the game without updating it?
Yes. You just can't connect to the internet so you can't trade/ battle with others.
By the way fondant. Can you tell me what version would work with update? I used patched online ROM Pokemon X and it's say it needed to be update first.
P.S: I'm getting copy of Pokemon Omega Ruby soon.