So I'm wondertrading a lot and I got a japanese gible. Im unsure on its worthiness so I need some opinions. Be truthful and since I want my own gible I might even trade it away Male Jolly rough skin (12hp/6atk/6def/5spatk/6spdef/6spd) Level one and moves are Sand tomb Metal claw Iron head Outrage
Shoot away :3 araikai
Its most likely a breed reject. I'd suggest checking it Ivs but you could rebreed it. Rough Skin allows you to make Rocky Helmet Physical wall Chomp. Jolly with Iron Head and Outrage make it also suitable to breed a Choice Scarf or Mega Chomp.
If you want your own Gible rebreeding this one would supply a great Offspring. If not it is a nice gift you could rewonder trade back.
Hope I helped.