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So I was watching a ProtoMario video about self destruct moves and he was talking about explosion and its power, which got me wondering. I know the eleventy kabillion babble about Shuckle, but with all these things considered, could one chalk up the highest amount a Pokemon could deal with explosion, including

Stat moves that higher attack (swords dance, howl, etc)
Level 100
Attack items
Perfect attack IVs
Attack Nature (like Adamant)
252 attack EVs
Highest attack stat possible of all normal types
And all others?

+6 252+ Atk Normal Gem Lickilicky Helping Hand Explosion vs. -6 0 HP / 0- Def Noibat on a critical hit: 925089-1088340 (7709075 - 9069500%) -- guaranteed OHKO - Pretty sure it's that.
What Pokemon?
There is only one Pokemon with explosion STAB... Lickilicky
This has been asked before - pokemondb.net/pokebase/161540/whats-the-greatest-amount-of-damage-explosion-can-do

1 Answer

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Best answer

I believe these two are the strongest Explosions, coming from a lv. 100 Lickilicky and Mega Glalie onto a poor lv. 1 Sunken. Sunken has 0 Def and HP IVs.

+6 252+ Atk Choice Band Lickilicky Explosion vs. -6 0 HP / 0- Def Sunkern: 473919-557553 (4308354.5 - 5068663.6%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+6 252+ Atk Refrigerate Mega Glalie Explosion vs. -6 0 HP / 0- Def Sunkern: 1035876-1218678 (9417054.5 - 11078890.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Correct me if there's a stronger Explosion than these two.

Edit from Dragoon: I know that this isnt possible, but I found this amazing calc
>+6 252+ Atk Choice Band Refrigerate Kyurem-B Explosion vs. -6 0 HP / 0- Def Hoppip on a critical hit: 6039808-7105660 (50331733.3 - 59213833.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

>+6 252+ Atk Choice Band Refrigerate Rampardos Helping Hand Explosion vs. -6 0 HP / 0- Def Hoppip on a critical hit: 8862024-10425912 (73850200 - 86882600%) -- guaranteed OHKO

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Woah, too stronk :0
I believe Refrigerate Explosion would do more damage if done to a a Noibat with Forest's Curse.