(It may not matter, but this is in Omega Ruby) I recently got a Slakoth, then went to this website to see it and it's evolution's stats to see if it is worth training, and after seeing both Vigoroth's and especially Slaking's stats, I knew it was worth training one.
My Slakoth just evolved, and my Vigoroth is very powerful, so I was wondering if I should continue to train and evolve him into slaking. I really want to because of Slaking's godly stats, but I don't want to because Vigoroth has a pretty good ability, and Slaking's ability is Truant, which can easily be a reason to not evolve. Please help me, I'm torn! Both are really good. Should I go with the decent statted, good abilitied Vigoroth, or go with the godly statted, only able to attack every-other-turn Slaking?