I dont think even with stalling Pokemon its easy to get a well stacked wall defensive Pokemon, consider this Pokemon for example:-
Empoleon @ Mystic Water (boosts water Pokemon moves by 1.2)
Ability: Defiant
EVs: 172 HP / 112 Def / 112 SpA / 112 SpD
Calm Nature
- Toxic 90% acc, pp16, badly dmg opp and worsens every turn.
- Scald (like surf it's a sp.atk move) and both have pp24 this burns pkm with 30%
- Rain Dance (boosts water Pokemon moves)
- Surf (like scald it's a sp.atk move) and both have pp24, hits adjusting pkm, doubles on dive<<<
personaly I would say scald and surf with rain dance but use this pkm as a double battle or toxic with surf... never scald and surf in a single OU battle or whatever..