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Sure, everyone's hyped about Gumshoos, Lunala, Rowlet and Charjabug, but which of the Pokémon from past regions have been seen in Sun/Moon trailers and promotional stuff? I'm talking about things like:

  • Sharpedo and Stoutland, seen in the Poké Ride mechanic.
  • Skarmory, who was shown in the Salandit trailer.
  • Pangoro, shown in Bewear's trailer.

So who's coming back? I'm not looking for a 100% complete list, because I realize that it'd be hard to find every last video, etc., but having one as complete as possible would be nice :)

Charizard was seen in the ride promotion. Zubat was seen in the Sandalit promotion. Pikachu was seen in a lot of things. Flygon was seen in the Drampa promotion. Salamence was seen in the complete Zygarde promotion. That's all I can think of now.

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-Salamence (multiple trailers)
-Gengar (legendary trailer)
-Metagross (zygarde trailer)
-Garchomp (zygarde trailer)
-Eevee (pikipek/yungoos/grubbin trailer)
-Krookodile (pikipek/yungoos/grubbin trailer)
-Pangoro (pikipek/yungoos/grubbin trailer, also shown against bewear)
-Pikachu (multiple trailers)
-Zubat (salandit trailer)
-Skarmory (salandit trailer)
-Dragonite (alola forms trailer)
-Bagon (alola forms trailer)
-Fearow (alola forms trailer)
-Delibird (alola forms trailer)
-Masquerain (alola forms trailer)
-Nosepass (alola forms trailer)
-Tauros (alola forms trailer)
-Sharpedo (alola forms trailer)
-Charizard (alola forms trailer)

Not sure if these count or not, but they released new forms of these:
-Zygarde (multiple trailers)
-Exeggutor (alola forms trailer)
-Vulpix (alola forms trailer)
-Ninetales (alola forms trailer)
-Sandshrew (alola forms trailer)
-Sandslash (alola forms trailer)

These are all of the Pokémon I could spot in the trailers.
Edit: Here are a few more I found by searching about on Serebii's Sun/Moon page

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Yay, thanks! I thought I remembered seeing Ariados in one of the trailers…
I have a comprehensive list here: http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/game/sun-moon