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6 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Lurantis, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Lurantis Pokedex and learnset for reference.

Lurantis sprite


21 Answers

2 votes

Trick Room set

Lurantis @Leftovers
Trait: Leaf Guard
Brave Nature
0 IVs in speed
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Leech Life
- Aerial Ace/Brick Break

2 votes

Lurantis' @ Firium Z
Trait: Contrary
Timid Nature
EVs: 252 SAtk, 252 Spe, 4 SDef

  • Sunny Day
  • Leaf Storm
  • Weather Ball
  • Hidden Power Ice
You would give a pokemon normalium Z if you wanted Z fire weather ball
Lurantis has Firium Z Because Z-Sunny Day Raises Speed By one Stage along with its usual effect so that's why it also has a timid nature. I like this set.
One stage is not enough for a very slow mon like Lurantis even after speed investment. It needs at least 2 stage in order to be a fast sweeper.
I think just in case put a sticky web on so it can work faster so I  u already have a bug type to cover your Grass
2 votes

Lurantis @ Grassium Z
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Leaf Blade/Solar Blade
- Leech Life/X-Scissor
- Low Sweep/Brick Break
- Sunny Day/Aerial Ace

2 votes

Lurantis Defog / Aromatherapy Support

Lurantis @ Leftovers
Ability: Leaf Guard / Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 108 Def / 148 SpD
Careful Nature

  • Aromatherapy
  • Defog
  • Synthesis
  • Leaf Blade / Leaf Storm

Lurantis is pretty bulky and with access to Defog and Aromatherapy, it could be a great support. Synthesis combined with Leftovers give it recovery that can allow it to last very Long in battles. Leaf Blade is STAB and is there in case of a Taunt. Leaf Storm + Contrary is an option if you would like the extra power and boosts.

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Who do i teach Defog and aromatherapy from off the same move set, i don't know what pokemon to learn it from
2 votes

Lurantis @Leftovers
Trait: Contrary
Modest Nature
EVs: 252 HP, 52 SAtk, 200 SDef
- Leaf Storm
- Hidden Power Fire
- Substitute
- Synthesis

Nice set. (filler)
2 votes

Lurantis @Heat Rock
Trait: Leaf Guard
Brave Nature
5 IVs in speed
EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 SpD
- Swords Dance
- Leaf Blade
- Sunny Day
- X-Scissor/Low Sweep

2 votes

Lurantis w/ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
Nature: Adamant
EV's: N/A

(Keep in mind that this is in Ultramoon/Ultrasun).

  • Leaf Blade
  • Poison Jab
  • Night Slash
  • Superpower

This moveset has helped me alot against other players, especially if they try to hide behind Grass-Types. Enjoy :P

2 votes

Lurantis @ Scope Lens / Assault Vest
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 150 Atk / 150 SpA / 208 Spe
Serious Nature
- Leaf Storm
- Superpower
- Leech Life / Giga Drain
- Night Slash / Psycho Cut

The Moves:
Leaf Storm is a great STAB move that doubles Lurantis' Special Attack stat thanks to Contrary, making it even stronger. Superpower is also a move utilised well by Contrary, raising the user's Physical Defense and Attack by one stage each. Leech Life if good for coverage and to regain health with physical damage, and while Giga Drain is slightly weaker, it has STAB; this choice depends on your preference, team, movesets, and battle style. Night Slash and Psycho Cut are there for coverage and the high crit ratio, boosted by Superpower.

The Items:
The Scope Lens is good for boosting the critical hit ratio, particularly for Night Slash and Psycho Cut. I personally prefer the Assault Vest, as Superpower can boost Physical Defense, but not Special Defence, so this all depends on whether or not you want to spend time using EVs in defences rather than attack.

Hope this helps at least someone :)

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1 vote

Lurantis @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 Def / 252 Spe
Mild Nature
- Sunny Day
- Solar Blade
- Toxic
- Aerial Ace

  • Sunny Day (Stacks with Solar Blade )
  • Solar Blade ( Stacks with sunny day.)
  • Toxic (Poisons foe.)
  • Aerial Ace (Deals with Bug-Types)

Personally, I do not like lurantis much. I think Vileplume is a better option since it has a better typing, and a slightly higher base stat. But that's just me.

Lurantis has coverage, but not much. The totem is annoying it seems, so I gave it a similar set.

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Why mild? Isn't adamant better?
I don't like the EV spread you have there. Lurantis is way to slow and bulk investment is better for it. Adamant Nature should be the nature. Weakness Policy is bad for her if you don't have any investment in bulk. I would also recommend contrary as its ability and put Leaf Storm and Leaf Blade over Solar Blade and Sunny Day. Toxic is not really necessary since its way too slow.
1 vote

Gen 9 RU Defog

Lurantis @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Contrary
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 HP / 196 SpA / 60 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Leaf Storm
- Tera Blast
- Defog
- Synthesis

Lurantis at the time of this post is a good Defog user in Gen 9 RU since it beats hazard setters such as Mudsdale, Palossand, and Whiscash. Lurantis is also one of the few hazard removers of the tier. Leaf Storm is used for the Grass STAB since it gives Lurantis a Special Attack boost thanks to Contrary. Defog is used to remove hazards from the field. Synthesis is used to give Lurantis a form of HP recovery. Tera Blast is nice coverage alongside Leaf Storm since the Tera Type being Fire for this set can allow Lurantis to break past Steel-types.

Heavy-Duty Boots is used as the item to prevent Lurantis from getting chipped by hazards. 252 HP EVs are used for bulk. 60 Speed EVs allow Lurantis to outspeed uninvested Dragalge, Hariyama, Sableye, Perrserker, and Eelektross. The leftover EVs are used in Special Attack along with Modest Nature to give Lurantis' attacks some power.

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The set says Leaf Guard, but you describe using Contrary.
Fixed, my bad.
No problem, great set! +1
0 votes

Okay so I've been breaking my head for this but I managed to think of decent moveset or two for this Pokemon since it has crappy speed but here's a set
Lurantis @ Flyinium Z
Ability: Leaf guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 126 Def / 126 SpD
Brave Nature
- Fury Cutter
- Defog
- Sunny Day
- Solar Blade

I know what you're think this isn't exactly the best, but Fury cutter is a pretty good move to have because it lands it gets stronger its maximum power is 160. Defog is a pretty good move as well for getting rid of stealth rocks and some other stuff that it can remove in double battles. sunny day is for it ability and for solar blade. The Flyinium Z is for the defog and it rises its accuracy and lowers evasion by one stage as well do what it does. So yeah that's the best I can think for right now.

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Does Defog remove Leech Seed? I dont remember it removing Leech Seed in my Memory.
Yeah now that I think about it doesn't remove leech seed but it is a good move for double battles though
0 votes

Lurantis @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 6 Def / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Superpower
- Synthesis
- Leaf Blade
- Aromatherapy

Superpower is a decently powerful attack, and Contrary causes it to give Lurantis an Attack and Defense boost every time you use it. Lurantis has decent special bulk with investment, and having Synthesis will give it an effective form of recovery. That puts it in an ideal position to abuse Superpower, and in tandem with the Defense boosts Lurantis hopefully won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Leaf Blade is STAB, although let's be clear that Superpower is the main attack here--you won't really be using your STAB often because most of the time Lurantis just wants to build up its Attack and Defense with Superpower. To be specific Leaf Blade is mainly needed when Superpower runs low on PP. Similarly, running an extra coverage move is also a bit pointless because that's time taken away from spamming Superpower. On top of that Lurantis doesn't really have any good coverage options to speak of. Using Aromatherapy lets it support itself by healing off any burns or toxic poison it might have, and being a specially defensive cleric resistant to Scald is definitely doing it a favor in terms of team support. Aromatherapy also means that it can set up against enemy walls effectively without being too worried as to what they might do.

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0 votes

Lurantis @ Leftovers / Scope Lens
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Leaf Blade / Petal Blizzard
- Superpower
- Leech Life / X-Scissor
- Night Slash / Poison Jab / Aerial Ace

Leaf Blade and Petal Blizzard have the same power and are both STAB, however, you can go with Leaf Blade if you want the higher critical hit ratio and more support from Scope Lens, or Petal Blizzard for doubles.

Superpower has high power and works really well with Contrary, it allows Lurantis' Attack and Defense to be raised so it can take a couple more physical hits and hit harder.

Leech Life and X-Scissor have the same power, but go with Leech Life if you want more HP restored.

Night Slash, Poison Jab, and Aerial Ace are for coverage. You can go with Poison Jab for the higher power, Night Slash for the higher critical hit ratio and for Scope Lens, or Aerial Ace in case your opponent spams Minimize.

I love Lurantis a lot, but unfortunately it has really low speed. If you want to use a better pure Grass type I suggest going with Tsareena, it has better stats.

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0 votes

Lurantis (F) @ Miracle Seed
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Solar Blade
- Leaf Storm
- Synthesis
- Sunny Day

You have the Miracle Seed to boost the power of Solar Blade and Leaf Storm. With the Contrary ability, your Special Attack will go up instead of down after using Leaf Storm, making it do more and more damage each time you use it. Solar Blade is Lurantis' signature move, and it's super powerful. With Sunny Day, Solar Blade doesn't need the charge-up turn, as well as Synthesis healing more HP. This set works well for any Lurantis! (BTW Lurantis is actually my favorite Pokemon!)

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0 votes

Tag Team Lurantis
Lurantis @ Quick Claw
Ability: Leaf Guard
Adamant Nature
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
- Growth
- Solar Blade
- Poison Jab
- Leech Life / Synthesis

This is designed to be used with my speedy Talonflame. I am not too concerned with coverage because I only switch in to it if it is strong against the opponent. Talonflame has Sunny Day and a Heat Rock, which I use at the beginning. Then, I U-turn into Lurantis if the typing is right. If the typing favors Talonflame, then I just use Brave Bird or Flare Blitz.
Growth advances two stages in Harsh Sun, Solar Blade executes in 1 turn and does 188 STAB. Poison Jab is a powerful attack that takes out annoying fairies. Leech Life is a great way to heal while doing damage with that killer attack stat. You could also take advantage of Sunny Day with Synthesis. While you only get a 20% chance to go first with Quick Claw, my luck is pretty good with it, and any chance to go first with Lurantis is a win (especially if you are using growth). Leaf Guard once again works well with Sunny Day.

If I was not to use this with Talonflame, it would be: Contrary with Superpower, Leaf Blade, Night Slash/Poison Jab, and Leech Life.

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0 votes

Trick Room Contrary set

Lurantis @ Leftovers
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 SpD
Brave Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Superpower
- X-Scissor / Knock Off / Poison Jab
- Leaf Blade / Solar Beam
- Aerial Ace

Superpower- Great power, deals with ice weakness, with contrary +1 in Attack and Defence.

X-Scissor/Knock off/Poison Jab- 3 great physical type moves, Knock off if you want to get rid of the opponent's item, X -Scissor just because, and Poison jab for fairies who resist superpower.

Leaf Blade/Solar blade- STAB and both are powerful moves, Solar blade if you don't mind charge, otherwise
Leaf Blade.

Aerial Ace- Deals with bug types and always hits (incase of opponent evasion +)

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0 votes

Lurantis @ Heat Rock
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Sunny Day
- Solar Blade
- Aromatherapy
- Knock Off

Lurantis is WERY slow, so I give it 252 EV on HP, to help it survive, and make some damage. Sunny Day for Solar Blade, Contary is for this moment, when someone growls at you, before Solar Blade, Aromatherapy to heal your burn (cut Attack) and Knock Off for this moment when you know your opponent have Rocky Helmet.

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This set has potential, but is sorely lacking. For example, you have contrary despite no superpower of leaf storm. Growl is also very uncommon in competitive play, as lowering your opponents stats is usually inferior to raising yours. Also, sunny day is quite gimmiky, so it's serperior to have a sun setter like torkoal. Knock off is fine, and aromatherapy can be replaced with something like poison jab or x scissor.
Yes, and when someone use Swagger on you, -2 stages Attack
I'm pretty sure swagger is banned. Even if it isn't, confusion isn't a great status and raising an opponents attack by two stages is usually a stupid thing to do.
0 votes

Role: Physical Sweeper/Sunny Day set up

Lurantis @ Heat Rock
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Sunny Day
- Solar Blade
- Synthesis
- Leech Life / Leaf Blade

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0 votes

I use this set in my Sword/Shield team!

Lura (Lurantis) (F) @ Assault Vest
Ability: Contrary
EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Hp, 4 SpD
Brave Nature
- Superpower
- Leaf Blade
- Leech Life
- Psycho Cut

It is recommended to set up Trick Room before doing this. The Assault Vest takes care of your special defence. Spam Superpower to get your attack and defences up, and if they let you spam on a set-up mon or something, this mantis is literally unstoppable. Under Trick Room, of course. Leaf Blade is an obvious STAB, Psycho Cut is for Poison-types. Leech Life is recovery!

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0 votes

Gen 7

Role: Sun Sweeper

Lurantis @ King’s Rock / Weakness Policy / Leftovers
Ability: Leaf Guard
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 Spe
Jolly / Adamant Nature
- Dual Chop / X-Scissor / Brick Break / Poison Jab
- Double Team / Sunny Day
- Solar Blade
- Synthesis

With Sun Support

Explanation: The first move slot depends on what type of coverage you want. Dual Chop is for coverage with a nice combo with King’s Rock. X- Scissor is another coverage move but with more Pokemon being weak to it. Brick Break (fighting type) has 5 types that are weak to it, being the most offensive. Poison Jab is for poisoning while dealing a good amount of damage. Double Team is set up, Solar Blade is STAB and Synthesis is healing. It’s best to always use Double Team if possible but if not Sunny Day helps you skip the sun support.

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Evasion moves are banned in every format except AG, in which Lurantis should not be used.
The only place Evasion is banned is Smogon, not VGC. Also then there’s the official stadium battle in the switch. Evasion is allowed there at least.