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I need help with beating Kukui after the Elite 4. My main problem was with his Magneton, so I decided to catch a ground type. I can't decide between Alolan Dugtrio or Mudsdale. They both learn Earthquake/Bulldoze naturally, and I might need differently-typed moves for other members of the Elite 4 (like the flying type specialist). Which of these two Pokemon is better against battling the whole Elite 4?

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From a glance, I'd choose Dugtrio bc it has a high Attack and Speed and has Ground/Steel typing which can resist quite a few types.
Late game Dugtrio is an absolute monster. Iron Head + Earthquake will KO basically anything, plus it levels up quickly. However, Mudsdale is bulkier and gets about the same coverage (Earthquake + Heavy Slam), plus has an awesome ability. I'd say they're both on equal footing. Dugtrio is for if you like sweepers and Mudsdale is if you like tanks.

1 Answer

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Best answer

So, first, let's focus on the Elite Four:

Type specialized in: Fighting
Total Pokemon types: Fighting, Normal, Water, Ice

Alolan Dugrio: Normal type is not very effective on Alolan Dugtrio, but Hala's Fighting and Water-Fighting types will do twice the damage.

Mudsdale: Normal and Fighting type do normal damage to Mudsdale, but Hala's Water and Ice type moves are super effective.

Type specialized in: Rock
Total Pokemon types: Rock, Water, Fairy, Electric, Steel

Alolan Dugtrio: Electric type has no effect against this Pokemon, Fairy, Steel, and Rock are not very effective, but Water type is super effective.

Ok, now I'm just going to do pros and cons


  • Electric type has no effect
  • Rock type is not very effective
  • Water type is super effective

Type specialized in: Ghost
Total Pokemon types: Ghost, Dark, Flying, Grass, Ice, Ground

Alolan Dugtrio:

  • Flying type is not very effective
  • Ground type is super effective

A lot of these types hit normal against Mudsdale

  • Ice type is super effective
  • Grass type is super effective

Type specialized in: Flying
Total Pokemon Types: Flying, Steel, Poison, Fire, Dark, Normal

Alolan Dugtrio:

  • Poison type has no effect
  • Flying type is not very effective
  • Steel type is not very effective
  • Normal type is not very effective
  • Fire type is super effective



  • Poison type is not very effective

Type specialized in: None
Total Pokemon types: Rock, Ice, Fairy, Normal, Flying, Electric, Steel, Normal, depends on which starter you picked
Pokemon: Lycanroc, Ninetales, Braviary, Magnezone, Snorlax, Decidueye (If you picked Popplio), Primarina (If you picked Litten), Incineroar (If you picked Rowlet)
Alolan Dugtrio

  • both Ground and Steel (which are alolan Dugtrio's types) are super effective against his Lycanroc
  • Steel type is super effective against his Alolan Ninetales
  • Ground type is super effective against his Magnezone
  • (if you picked Rowlet) Ground type is super effective against his Incineroar

- Ground type has no effect on his Braviary
- Steel type is not very effective on his Magnezone
- (if you picked Popplio) Ground type is not very effective against his Decidueye
- (if you picked Rowlet) Steel type is not very effective against his Incineroar


  • Ground type is super effective against his Lycanroc
  • Ground type is super effective against his Magnezone
  • (if you picked Rowlet) Ground type is super effective against his Incineroar

- Ground type has no effect on his Bravairy
- (if you picked Popplio) Ground type is not very effective against his Decidueye

That's a lot to take in at once, even for me, and I wrote it! All in all, I would pick Alolan Dugtrio, but it's your choice! After all, it's your Pokemon.
Oh, and if you want to know more:




I hope this helped! :)

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Thanks! This is very helpful! Now I just have to train my Diglett to level 53...
Your welcome :)