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Goldeen and Krabby are common in lots of places where you can fish with a super rod.
You can also battle Mankeys on the route beside Viridian City.

1 Answer

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I'm not sure why no one has answered this yet, it's fairly easy to answer with a quick google.


Route 11

Youngster Dave - Nidoran-M (1), Nidorino (2) Celadon Gym: Beauty Tamia - 2 Bellsprout (2); Lass Kay - Bellsprout (1), Weepinbell (2); Cooltrainer Mary - Bellsprout (1), Weepinbell (2) Route 12: All Fishermen - 1 or more Goldeen (1); Camper Justin: Nidoran-M (1), Nidorino (1)

Route 15

Bird Keeper Chester - 2 Doduo (2), 1 Dodrio (2)

Route 17 & 18

Doduo (1); Cue Ball Isaiah - Machop (1), Machamp (3); Cue Ball Raul - Mankey (1), Primeape (2); Cue Ball Jamal - 2 Mankey (2), Machop (1), Machamp (3); Cue Ball Zeek - Machoke (2); Cue Ball Corey - Machoke (2), Primeape (2)

Route 16

Cue Ball Koji - 2 Machop (2), Mankey (1); Cue Ball Luke - Mankey (1), Machop (1); Cue Ball Camron - Machop (1), Mankey (1)

Saffron City (Fighting Dojo)

Black Belt Hideki - Machop (1), Machoke (2); Black Belt Hitoshi - Machop (1), Mankey (1), Primeape (2); Black Belt Mike - 2 Mankey (2), Primeape (2); Black Belt Aaron - Primeape (2)

Route 19

Sis and Bro Lia & Luc - Goldeen (1), Seaking (2); Swimmer Alice - Goldeen (1), Seaking (2)

Route 21

Fisherman Ronald - 3 Seaking (6), Goldeen (1)

Viridian Gym

Tamer Cole - Arbok (2), Tauros (1 Atk, 1 Spe); Black Belt Kiyo - Machoke (2); Cooltrainer Samuel - 2 Sandslash (2 Def), Rhyhorn (1 Def), Nidorino (2), Nidoking (3); Black Belt Atsushi - Machop (1), Machoke (2); Black Belt Takashi - 2 Machoke (4), Machop (1)

Victory Road

Cooltrainer Caroline - Bellsprout (1), Weepinbell (2), Victreebel (3), Paras (1), Parasect (2)

Elite Four

Lance - Gyarados (2), 2 Dragonair (4), Dragonite (3), Aerodactyl (2 Spe); Lance (post-Sevii Islands): Gyarados (2), 2 Dragonite (6), Kingdra (1 Atk, 1 SpA, 1 SpD), Aerodactyl (1 Spe) 

Wild Pokemon

Route 22

Mankey (1)

Mt. Moon (B1F)

Paras (1) *

Route 4

Mankey (1), Ekans (1) (FireRed only)

Route 5, 6, 25

Bellsprout (1) (LeafGreen only)

Route 8, 9, 10, 11

Ekans (FireRed only)

Rock Tunnel

Machop (1), Mankey (1)

Route 12

Bellsprout (1), Weepinbell (2)

Victory Road

Machop (1), Machoke (2), Arbok (2) (FireRed only), Primeape (2) (2F only) 

Note: The some of the numbers in the parenthesis are how many EVs they yield.

Source: http://www.smogon.com/ingame/guides/ev_frlg

Hope I helped :)

Woah, I didn't see that code coming XD
I'm not changing it because it looks nice
They obviously didn't account for fishing.