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I'm talking about all Alolan form Pokemon. If some don't, please list the ones which don't learn the same number of TMs as their Kanto counterparts.

Same number like equivalent amounts or same numbers like TM 100 and 7?
Same number as in equivalent amounts.
Okay. (12 characters)

1 Answer

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Regular Rattata learns 29 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 30
Regular Raticate learns 33 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 37
Regular Raichu learns 30 TMS, the Alolan variant learns 35
Regular Sandshrew learns 30 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 34
Regular Sandslash learns 34 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 37
Regular Vulpix learns 26 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 25
Regular Ninetales learns 32 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 31
Regular Diglett learns 25 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 27
Regular Dugtrio learns 29 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 31
Regular Meowth learns 31 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 33
Regular Persian learns 35 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 37
Regular Geodude and Graveler learn 30 TMs, the Alolan variants learn 35
Regular Golem learns 34 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 41
Regular Grimer learns 34 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 38
Regular Muk learns 39 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 43
Regular Exeggutor learns 33 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 39
Regular Marowak learns 37 TMs, the Alolan variant learns 45

There are no Alolan forms that learn the same number of TMs as their regular forms

edited by
You spelled Ninetales wrong
Woah, you're right! :O
I've been looking at that pokemon's name for 7 years and always spelled it ninetails.
There, fixed!