bad title phrasing, if you can think of a better one please edit
So Litten has yellow eyes, with a black and red pupil. The anime shows this, with Litten's eye completely disappearing when closed.

Magikarp Jump's Litten seems to agree.

This was completely normal and went without question, after all, the yellow definitely looked like part of the eye even in photos where the eyes are open.
But then, I noticed its ingame cutscene when you choose it is a little strange...

The pupils seem to "close" as if they were the eyes, with the yellow staying even though the eyes appear to be meant to be closed.
Litten shows this while being pet, too.

just wondering what's going on, are the yellow parts part of the eye? It definitely seems like they are and most seem to agree, but the pupils seem to "close" as if they were the eye.