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I'm literally stuck in the game because by the Ultra form of this Pokemon I can't beat it just one ko's my whole team please help me...

Your starter, as well as Gyarados, can learn attacks by level up that Necrozma is weak to. Just pick one of those Pokemon, make sure it has the desired attack, and level grind it until it's strong enough to beat the Necrozma.

10 Answers

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Best answer

The best way to get rid of Ultra Necrozma without glitches is by using ghost z-moves. Using Marshadow, Decidueye or Mimikyu is a good answer. You might also want their affection to be MAX so they can attack with a normal super-effective move one more time. If it hasn't fainted, send out another Pokemon (preferably an offensive Pokemon with MAX affection or a defensive Pokemon that can use moves like Leech Seed and Toxic), then chip away the remaining health it has. Again, I recommend your Pokemon have lots of affection so they have a free Focus Sash. You can also use any other super-effective z-move, such as Devastating Drake. Every starter does pretty good against it, so that's really all you need to do. Or, you can have a Pokemon with Attract or Swagger to make it easier. I also recommend doing some research on Ultra Necrozma, since you'll quickly find out the Pokemon that deal with it pretty fast. If you're able to get Hoopa Unbound, that also is a good answer.

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Remember that Marshadow is weak to Psychic, although you can get a powerful Z-move in with the Focus Sash
1 vote

I think I found a glitch or exploit.

Find a Mimikyu, or just use the Totem Mimikyu. Teach it Toxic (available in Aether Paradise), and since it has Disguise, you'll be able to poison this Necrozma. It will get KO'd after, but this is where the next part comes in. Be sure to have a Pokémon weak to Psychic moves as your last party member! Send out a Zorua or Zoroark, it'll become the Pokémon last in your party. You can find a Zorua in the Trainer's School. Ultra Necrozma will just spam Photon Geyser, which will do nothing, until the poison has it faint!
Edit: You can teach the Zorua/Zoroark Toxic, but I didn't, just in case the Necrozma would use a different attack if I fought back.

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I tried this and necrozma used smart strike, do I keep soft resetting till it works?
Edit: it killed the zora
I Toxic-Cursed it! First I used Mimikyu's Toxic and, then, used Golurk's Curse to kill Ultra Necrozma.
+ Photon geyser's PP will run out! This isn't a smart idea
Enemy Pokemons pp doesn't  run out.
That is incorrect. CPU opponents have infinite PP in Gen 1, but never since then.
Oh well I'm stupid I only got gen 3sapphire
1 vote

This is how you beat him with taking no dmg, lead with Zoroark that is a primarina with Illusion, U-necrozma will only use phton geyser, which Zoroark is immune to. It took me only 2 foul plays to then kill him ;)

0 votes

Just use a mimikyu with destiny bond, It worked for me

or Have wynaut  use Destiny bond there it's dies pure genius
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Focus Sash + Endeavor + Quick Attack Rattata

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You could also beat Ultra Necrozma in two turns with Focus Sash+ Mirror Coat

  • Mirror Coat, because all of Ultra Necrozma's moves are special and

  • Focus Sash, because if you are underleveled, you can still live

Pokemon that can do this (fully evolved): Araquanid and Corsola

You can also get Suicune, but he requires to go through the Ultra Wormhole with the "bad" motion sensor control as well as not encountering a white warp whole. Also you can't do circle pad controls until you've beaten Ultra Necrozma!

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lol you don’t have to use the motion controls. There’s an option that lets you use the control stick.
0 votes

Catch a Zorua or Zoroark and make it the first in your party.And have a Fighting or poison type last in the party.Make Zorua/Zoroark has a Ghostium Z or Darkium Z.Then battle necrozma.Since the A.I is predictable,expect a psychic type move to “counter” Zorua/Zoroark’s disguise.Then go overkill with a Z-Move

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Get two Mimikyus, first one with toxic. Use the toxic one first with that move, then after that one dies use the next and use feint attack just so the whole process goes faster. So far the best way is get a pokémon like Hippowdon where sandstorm can add to the damage from toxic each turn.

0 votes

The way I did it is in these simple steps(requires internet):
1) ask for a wynaut
2) Once you have it, go to poni island and beat all the trainers on the route next to that poni island town
3) When you beat all of them, you will get a focus sash, put it on wyanut
6) Then go to ultra necrozma and use mirror coat since it will be a 75-90% chance it will go for a special attack
7)enjoy your victory

or just use focus sash + endeavour + quick atatck rattata or use destiny bond but wyanut is vute SO THERE!

0 votes

The easiest way is to get a shuppet at route 14 trial place give it a focus sash keep it in front
It will endure the first hit and then use curse
Then keep rotating your Pokemon and it will eventually faint
