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I am using Ultra Moon and I am trying to get an Eevee using my Espeon (M) and I tried breeding him with my Ditto. I was told they didn't get along well. So I switched the Ditto out for a Fomantis. It didn't work either. So I tried an Audino. And I found out that it didn't work because the Audino was male. So I tried a Mimikyu. And that didn't work either. I did some research on the site and I found out Fomantis and Mimikyu didn't work because they were in seperate Egg Groups. But I only want to know why Espeon didn't breed with Ditto.

I have never heard of something like this.
Eggs will appear more often if you have the Oval Charm, and if the Ditto has a different ID than your Espeon's ID.
Speed up the process of waiting by running with Tauros in that square pasture. (This place: https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Ib0i_1Nv71Q/maxresdefault.jpg )
If they don't get a long well, they will still breed. It will just take longer. The egg has a 19.8% chance of being made every 256 steps you take, so just keep walking!
@Pokemon Guy What do you mean by "Different ID"? Every Pokemon has a different ID. Do you mean OST?
@Espeonage I think he means OT
@MoonlitMadness That's what I meant. I was listening to a Video Game OST while writing that comment. Ty.

2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Now that I know exactly what you're asking I can answer this. Pokemon that are a different species and have the same trainer will only have a 20% chance of producing an egg (without the oval charm), which is why the game says they don't like each-other much.

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Thank you!
Haha, no problem. I'm glad you got what you wanted.
4 votes

If they don't get a long well, they will still breed. It will just take longer. The egg has a 19.8% chance of being made every 256 steps you take, so just keep walking!

That wasn't my question.
But you asked hy they did not breed. They would have bred if you let them stay together longer in the daycare
I asked WHY didn't they breed. Not ADVICE to make them breed.
Th reason they did not breed is because you did not wait long enough
Moonlit is right, sometimes it can take a long time to get Pokemon who don't get along well to breed. He/she is telling your your mistake, thus providing you an answer, not intending to offer you advice in lieu of an answer.
What I mean is "Why they refused to get along." not literally why they didn't breed.
Probably could have made more clear in the oirginal question