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2 Answers

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Generation II
Safeguard prevents the user and its allies from being inflicted with non-volatile status conditions and confusion for five turns. Existing status conditions are not cured by Safeguard and have their effects as normal.
Safeguard does not protect from self-inflicted sleep from Rest, but does prevent confusion due to fatigue after using Outrage, Petal Dance, or Thrash. Safeguard does not prevent a Pokémon becoming confused due to its held Berserk Gene.

Generation III
Safeguard no longer prevents confusion due to fatigue after using Outrage, Petal Dance, or Thrash. It also does not prevent allies from being confused by a held Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav or Iapapa Berry.
Safeguard prevents a Pokémon from being made drowsy by Yawn, but will not prevent it from falling asleep due to its effect if it is already drowsy.
Safeguard is removed from a Pokémon's side of the field if any Pokémon (including an ally) uses Defog on it, unless it is protected from the move or the move misses.

Generation IV
Safeguard prevents allies from being confused by a Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav or Iapapa Berry (regardless of whether it is consumed as a held item, via Fling, or via Bug Bite or Pluck) as well as being burned or poisoned by a held Flame Orb or Toxic Orb.

Generation V onward
Safeguard no longer prevents allies from being confused by a Figy, Wiki, Mago, Aguav or Iapapa Berry (regardless of whether it is consumed as a held item, via Fling, or via Bug Bite or Pluck). Safeguard no longer prevents allies from being burned or poisoned by a held Flame Orb or Toxic Orb. It is bypassed by a Pokémon with Infiltrator.
If powered up by a Normalium Z into Z-Safeguard, the user's Speed stat is raised by one stage.


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dang, your answer is better than mines.
You should make all the "generations" (and roman numerals) in bold text so they would be easier for your eyes to detect. Or you could separate the gens with blank spaces. I also see spaces when there should not be spaces in those places (e.g. in your copied gen2 article there is a space after this: Existing status conditions are not cured by Safeguard and have their effects as normal. <it should continue here but it doesn't>
Safeguard does not...).

(But you should use a space to separate "generation" from a sentence).
@Azelfeo lol

U really should be a n english teacher like ETN said.
@Octazooka - I don't plan on teaching people stuff in that way.
All I did was copy stuff from Bulbapedia. Why am I getting up-votes?
@sumwun - That's exactly what I was thinking.
You’re getting upvotes because it has a lot of words. That means it’s a good answer, right?
@thecranpper - It's not supposed to get up-votes because this answer isn't sumwun's words.
Is the points system on this site really that easy to exploit? Those 2 years of posting actually high-quality answers were wasted?
@sumwun - Yes.
1 vote

Safeguard is a status move that allows your Pokemon to be protected from status conditions for about five turns.
if that is what your asking, if not, then I apologize.

Politeness, +1.