Youngster Joey is a Pokémon trainer NPC who first appeared in the second installment of the Pokémon series, Pokémon: Gold and Silver. His constant boasting about his low-leveled Rattata, which he claims is in "the top percentage of Rattatas", along with his excessive phone calls, has managed to garnered attention with fans of the series.
Youngster Joey[4] first appeared in the video games Pokemon: Gold and Silver, as an early NPC opponent of the playable character, being only equipped with a low-leveled Rattata. After defeating him, Joey will offer you to give you his Pokegear number, allowing you to have rematches with him throughout the game, or often time to call to solely praise his Rattata.
"Remember my super cool Rattata? My Rattata is different from regular Rattata. It's like my Rattata is in the top percentage of rattatas."
That part wass all i needed