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Like how both Mienfoo and Deino are base forms and they evolve at level 50, and Larvesta evolves at level 59. I would consider "late" to be level 40+

mandibuzz, Braviary, Cosmog...

1 Answer

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Here are all the Pokemon that evolve at level 40 +(not including stone/friendship/trade evolutions);

Ponyta --> Rapidash; Lv. 40
Rhyhorn --> Rhydon; Lv. 42
Omanyte --> Omasta; Lv. 40
Kabuto --> Kabutops; Lv. 40
Wailmer --> Wailord; Lv. 40
Lileep --> Cradily; Lv. 40
Anorith --> Armaldo; Lv. 40
Snorunt --> Glalie; Lv. 42
Skorupi --> Drapion; Lv. 40
Snover --> Abomasnow; Lv. 40
Frillish --> Jellicent; Lv. 40
Ferroseed --> Ferrothorn; Lv. 40
Elgyem --> Beheeyem; Lv. 42
Litwick --> Lampent; Lv. 41
Minefoo --> Mienshao; Lv. 50
Golett --> Golurk; Lv. 43
Pawniard --> Bisharp; Lv. 52
Rufflet --> Braviary; 54
Vullaby --> Mandibuzz; Lv. 54
Deino --> Zweilous; Lv. 50
Larvesta --> Volcarona; Lv. 59
Skrelp --> Dragalage; Lv. 48
Goomy --> Sliggoo; Lv. 40
Noibat --> Noivern; Lv. 48
Sandygast --> Palossand; Lv. 42
Cosmog --> Cosmoem; Lv. 43

These are all the Pokemon that evolve at level 40 or higher as of Gen 7, but things could change in Gen 8(when we finally get it).

If I missed any, please let me know.

Source: This site.

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I was thinking of using Ponyta in Platinum, but now I am sticking with Houndoom
Good idea. Houndour evolves at level 24 instead of 40. Plus, I've always liked the Houndoom line better anyway.
Thank you
Your welcome ;)
I like how most of these are from Gen 5, what did we do to your game freak?
@PX I know right?
Gen 5 Pokemon are cool. Don't diss on 'em.
@BlackAce I love Gen 5 I have no problem with any of them