PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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I beat the Elite Four in my Pokemon Emerald save file just a few days ago. One of the very first things I did was going to the lottery in Lilycove City. The NPC just said, "Please come back tomorrow." Then, I checked Shoal Cave to check if the tide has changed. However, the tide was the exact same as when I first entered the cave. And then, I went to check my Pomeg & Oran Berries that I have been growing for well over a week. And Finally, I checked the clock at my house, and the game time has not changed since I started the game over a month ago. Does sombody know what to do about this? And no, I am Playing EMERALD, not Ruby or Sapphire. And on the GBA. Not on an Emulator.

Read this. https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/257904/ Does any of it apply to your situation?
Does it say “The internal battery has run dry. The game can be played. However, clock-based events will no longer occur” when you start up the game?
Yeah, I play Pokémon Sapphire and something similar happened on my game. Since most of the game cartridges are older and probably used, the battery dies quickly and once that happens all time based events (ie, berries and loto) stop.

2 Answers

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KRLW890 is right. If you had the game for a month its battery should be dead if it was already used. That about sums it up.

Some people claim to have the battery last longer than 1 or 2 years. Also dead batteries are replaceable.
He probably got it with a half dead battery and didn't know how to replace it or did not know about the battery.
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Emerald cartridges that have broken time-based events might be fake. You can identify fake cartridges by watching this video.
