PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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2 Answers

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The moves are(by number of signature Pokémon):
Branch Poke (Grookey #810)
Drum Beating and G-Max Drum Solo (Rillaboom #812)
Pyro Ball and G-Max Fireball (correct me if I’m wrong) (Cinderace #815)
Snipe Shot and G-Max Hydrosnipe (Inteleon #818)
G-Max Windrage (Corvinight #823)
G-Max Gravitas (Orbeetle #826)
Jaw Lock (Chewtle #833)
G-Max Stonesurge (Dreadnaw #834)
Tar Shot and G-Max Volcanith (Coalossal #839)
Grav Apple and G-Max Tartness (Flapple #841)
Apple Acid and G-Max Sweetness (probably) (Appletun #842)
G-Max Sandblast (Sandaconda #844)
Overdrive and G-Max Stun Shock (Toxtricity #849)
G-Max Centiferno (Centiskorch #851)
Octolock (Grapploct #853)
Teatime (Polteageist #855)
Magic Powder and G-Max Smite (Hatterene #858)
False Surrender (Morgrem #860)
Spirit Break and G-Max Snooze (Grimmsnarl #861)
Obstruct (Obstagoon #862)
Meteor Assault (Sirfetch’d #865)
Decorate and G-Max Finale (Alcremie #869)
No Retreat (Falinks #870)
Aura Wheel (Morpeko #877)
G-Max Steelsurge (Copperajah #879)
G-Max Depletion (Duraludon #884)
Dragon Darts (Dragapult #887)
Behemoth Blade (Zacian #888)
Behemoth Bash (Zamazenta #889)
Dynamax Cannon and Eternabeam (Etearnatus #890)
Wicked Blow (Urshifu: Single Strike Style #892)
Surging Strikes (Urshifu: Rapid Strike Style #892)
Jungle Healing (Zarude #893)
Thunder Cage (Regieleki #894)
Dragon Energy (Regidrago #895)
Glacial Lance and Astral Barrage (Calyrex #898)

Phew, now that that’s over wi- I still have to do abilities, don’t I? Sigh, okay.

They are:
Libero (Scorbunny #813)
Cotton Down (Gossifleur #829)
Ball Fetch (Yamper #835)
Steam Engine (Rolycoly #837)
Ripen (Applin #840)
Gulp Missile (Cramorant #845)
Propeller Tail (Arrokuda #846)
Punk Rock (Toxtricity #849)
Steely Spirit (Perrserker #863)
Perish Body (Cursola #864)
Screen Cleaner (Mr. Rime #866)
Ice Scales (Our Beloved #872)
Power Spot (Stonjourner #874)
Ice Face (Eiscue #875)
Hunger Switch (Morpeko #877)
Stalwart (Duraludon #884)
Intrepid Sword (Zacian #888)
Dauntless Shield (Zamazenta #889)
Unseen Fist (Urshifu #892)
Transistor (Regieleki #894)
Dragon’s Maw (Regidrago #895)
Chilling Neigh (Glastrier #896)
Grim Neigh (Spectrier #897)
As One (Calyrex #898)

It’s done. Be happy. I’ll be here all week.

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I did not include different forms, if you’d like me to I will.
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Aura wheel (morpeko)
Meteor assault (sirfetch’d)
Obstruct (obstagoon)
Eternamax cannon (eternatus)
Pyro ball (cinderace)
Drum beating (rilaboom)
Snipe shot (inteleon)
Octolock (grapploct)
No retreat (falinks)
Teatime (polteageist)
Snap trap (stunfisk)
Tar shot (coalossal)
Grav Apple (flapple)
Apple acid (Appletun)
Overdrive (toxtricity)
Fishious rend (dracovish/arctovish)
Bolt beak (dractozolt/arctozolt)
Behemoth bash (zamazenta)
Behemoth blade (zacian)
Dragon darts (dragapult)
G-max finale (gigantimax alcremie)
G-max wildfire (gigantimax charizard)
G-max stonesurge (gigantimax dreadnaw)
G-max buffudle (gigantimax butterfree)
G-max volt crash (gigantimax pikachu)
G-max cuddle (gigantimax eevee)
G-max windrage (gigantimax corviknight)

What about the abilities?
Yeah wut about the abilites?