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I'm making a gimmick team and these two are some of the best you can get. I just need to know which one has higher defensive stats, and if there's a way to test this for future reference?

What format/rules are you playing with? I think you need to know that if you want to figure out whether leftovers heals more damage or eviolite prevents more damage.
I'm doing doubles and free for all with a friend. I think he's all time best support Pokemon, so I though he'd be good

1 Answer

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If we’re talking singles, then I would have to go with Xatu. Mainly because when Natu evolves, all his stats get a buff. Unlike Galarian Corsola, some of the stats go up but others actually go down. Those are typically the only occasions where you put the eviolite on the pre-evolution.
However, in doubles I have no experience with either of the Pokémon so I can’t help you there. Hope this helped.
