PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
1 vote

For me speed is less important as good defences and attack and special attack , but I want to know if I am missing something.


3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

Actually, speed is as important as any other stat because if a Pokemon has strong moves and good special attack, but has bad defense and speed, it might get OHKO'd (one hit knock out) by an effective or super effective attack. It might close to death, or maybe your Pokemon has low hp and is your last Pokemon. It needs speed and good attack and defense to survive and that's why speed is important. I might have missed something but I this is all I know.

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But if it has high defence I won’t get ohko’d if it’s attack or special attack is good it won’t matter if it doesn’t go first and normally I wouldn’t  send out a Pokémon if it has a type disadvantage versus the current opponent.
Thank you both for you answers
Remember about critical chances.  The faster, the more likely you will hit a Critical hit.
being fast doesn't increase the chances of getting a crit
2 votes

Speed is probably the most important stat in Pokemon. As certain answers already pointed out, having a high Speed stat allows a Pokemon to go first, but this is applicable in a lot of different scenarios. The most obvious are KOing an opposing Pokemon before they have a chance to move and ensuring that the opposing Pokemon isn't able to outspeed and KO you. These applications are common with offensive Pokemon, as they usually have high offenses, low defenses, and often are in the KO-or-be-KOed game. However, defensive Pokemon can have a use for Speed too.

For example, in the early days of Gen 9 OU, Scream Tail, with its high base Speed outspeeding the benchmark of base 100 Speed, uses its unique combination of high bulk and speed to spread Thunder Waves everywhere, supporting its team. A fast Scream Tail can probably pull off a Thunder Wave against any Pokemon it outspeeds, even if it is at low HP. In contrast, a slower paralysis spreader, like Nuzzle Hatterene, may struggle to get off another paralysis before being KOed if it is at low help. Speed helping these "utility" mons can appear in other situations too. Iron Treads, a relatively fast Rapid Spinner, can clear hazards one last time before fainting. This is a small advantage it has over Great Tusk, who is slower and cannot do the same at low HP if against a faster Pokemon, like max Speed Landorus-T.

TLDR: A more defensive/utility focused Pokemon can also utilize Speed if it uses the Speed to spread its utility, such as spreading status conditions, setting up screens or hazards, or removing hazards.

This whole answer just reads like anti-stall propaganda to me.
1 vote

It depends on the Pokémon. Pokémon like Gengar and Rampardos have low defenses but amazing offensive stats, so it is important that they go first to avoid them getting OHKOed. More defensive Pokémon such as Blissey and Snorlax do not need speed as much because they can take hits easily.

Thank both of you for your answers