PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
2 votes

I know that Dialga and Duraludon have a rare combination of types (steel/dragon) but is there more Pokémons with a rare combination of types ?

With rare I mean five or less Pokémons with that types.

retagged by
I think it's going to be a big list because there are a lot of combinations, and many of them have less than 5 Pokemon. Also why is the question tagged "black-white-2"?
Also, are you included no pokémon with that typing as well, like Normal and Ghost?
Sorry guys the black-white tag was a mistake. So, jhnfui, if i get it right, no, i am not including types never used.
N posso comentar na wall do Q&A ent passei aki, no Rate my team eu já posso postar em wall, mas n vi teu perfil lá , ent fazer oq :D

3 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

Only 2 Pokemon

  • Normal/Grass (Deerling, Sawsbuck)
  • Fighting/Flying (Hawlucha, Galarian Zapdos)
  • Poison/Fighting (Croagunk, Toxicroak)
  • Poison/Ground (Nidoqueen, Nidoking)
  • Poison/Fire (Salandit, Salazzle)
  • Ground/Psychic (Baltoy, Claydol)
  • Rock/Grass (Lileep, Cradily)
  • Rock/Psychic (Solrock, Lunatone)
  • Rock/Ice (Aurorus, Amaura)
  • Rock/Dragon (Tyrunt, Tyrantrum)
  • Rock/Fairy (Carbink, Diancie)
  • Bug/Ground (Nincada, Wormadam Ground)
  • Bug/Psychic (Orbeetle, Dottler)
  • Bug/Fairy (Cutiefly/Rimbombee)
  • Steel/Dragon (Duraladon, Dialga)
  • Fire/Normal (Litleo, Pyroar)
  • Water/Ghost (Frillish, Jellicent)
  • Grass/Ice (Snover, Abomasnow)
  • Electric/Poison (Toxel, Toxtricity)
  • Electric/Normal (Helioptile, Heliolisk)
  • Electric/Ice (Rotom-Ice, Arctozolt)
  • Electric/Fairy (Dedenne, Tapu Koko)
  • Ice/Flying (Delibird, Articuno)
  • Ice/Bug (Snom, Frosmoth)
  • Ice/Steel (Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Sandslash)
  • Dragon/Fighting (Hakomo-o, Kommo-o)
  • Dark/Ghost (Spiritomb, Sableye)
  • Dark/Steel (Bisharp, Pawniard)
  • Dark/Ice (Weavile, Sneasel)
  • Fairy/Flying (Togekiss, Togetic)

Only 1 Pokemon

  • Normal/Ground (Diggersby)
  • Normal/Water (Bibarel)
  • Normal/Dragon (Drampa)
  • Fighting/Ghost (Marshadow)
  • Fighting/Ice (Crabominable)
  • Poison/Psychic (Galarian Slowbro)
  • Poison/Fairy (Galarian Weezing)
  • Ground/Electric (Stunfisk)
  • Rock/Fighting (Terrakion)
  • Rock/Poison (Nihilego)
  • Rock/Dark (Tyranitar)
  • Bug/Ghost (Shedinja)
  • Ghost/Fairy (Mimikyu)
  • Fire/Steel (Heatran)
  • Fire/Water (Volcanion)
  • Electric/Fire (Rotom-Heat)
  • Electric/Grass (Rotom-Mow)
  • Electric/Ghost (Rotom)
  • Grass/Ground (Torterra)
  • Water/Steel (Empoleon)
  • Electric/Psychic (Alolan Raichu)
  • Electric/Dark (Morpeko)
  • Ice/Ghost (Froslass)
  • Ice/Fire (Galarian Darmanitran Zen)
  • Ice/Fairy (Alolan Ninetales)
  • Ice/Dragon (Kyurem)
  • Dragon/Fairy (Mega Altaria)


selected by
Sorry, i removed the black-white tag, it was a mistake. My question is about all generations. U don't need to divide the pokemons by generations.
And i am looking for the names of the pokemons with that types, not only how many that type have.
Hi, yes, I'm editing those in as we speak (type?) It's taking a while cuz I have to type them all one by one haha
Wow thanks for all your hard work. I will select your answer as the best!
Sure, no problem, I had some time to spare, glad I could answer your question ^_^
4 votes

Only 5 Pokemon

  • Normal/Fairy
  • Poison/Dark
  • Bug/Rock
  • Bug/Water
  • Ghost/Fire
  • Steel/Ground
  • Water/Psychic
  • Water/Dark
  • Grass/Dragon
  • Grass/Fairy
  • Electric/Flying
  • Dark/Normal
  • Flying

Only 4 Pokemon

  • Normal/Fighting
  • Normal/Psychic
  • Fighting/Psychic
  • Rock/Flying
  • Bug/Fire
  • Bug/Electric
  • Ghost/Dragon
  • Steel/Fairy
  • Water/Fairy
  • Grass/Psychic
  • Electric/Steel
  • Ice/Psychic
  • Dark/Dragon
  • Dark/Fighting
  • Grass/Dark

Only 3 Pokemon

  • Fighting/Steel (Lucario, Cobalion, Zamazenta)
  • Poison/Flying (Zubat, Golbat, Crobat)
  • Poison/Dragon (Dragalge, Naganadel, Eternatus)
  • Ground/Flying (Gligar, Gliscor, Landorus)
  • Ground/Dark (Krookodile, Krokorok, Sandile)
  • Rock/Electric (Alolan Geodude, Alolan Graveller, Alolan Golem)
  • Bug/Fighting (Heracross, Buzzwhole, Pheromosa)
  • Ghost/Flying (Drifblim, Drifloon, Oricorio-Sensu)
  • Ghost/Poison (Gastly, Haunter, Gengar)
  • Steel/Flying (Skarmory, Corniknight, Celesteela)
  • Steel/Ghost (Aegislash, Doublade, Honedge)
  • Fire/Ground (Camerupt, Numel, Primal Groudon)
  • Fire/Rock (Magcargo, Coalossal, Carkol)
  • Water/Fighting (Poliwrath, Keldeo, Urshifu)
  • Water/Grass (Lotad, Lombre, Ludicolo)
  • Water/Electric (Chinchou, Lanturn, Rotom-Wash)
  • Water/Dragon (Palkia, Kingdra, Dracovish)
  • Grass/Fighting (Breloom, Virizion, Chesnaught)
  • Grass/Steel (Ferroseed, Ferrothorn, Kartana)
  • Psychic/Ghost (Hoopa, Lunala, Necrozma Dusk)
  • Psychic/Fire (Delphox, Victini, Darmanitran Zen)
  • Ice/Ground (Swinub, Piloswine, Mamoswine)
  • Dragon/Fire (Reshiram, Mega Charizard X, Turtonator)
  • Dragon/Electric (Zekrom, Dracozolt, Mega Ampharos)
  • Dragon/Psychic (Latias, Latios, Ultra Necrozma)
  • Dark/Fire (Houndoom, Houndour, Incineroar)
  • Dark/Psychic (Inkay, Malamar, Hoopa Unbound)
  • Dark/Fairy (Impidimp, Morgrem, Grimmsnarl)
edited by
Not sure. I’m not game freak, I am PrimalKyogre
Ok... Sorry ;-;
There are some inconsistencies, and no Arceus form is mentioned, since it counts as Normal? I guess, but I'll edit those in too in a bit.
Okay, um, I'm a little tired so I'll stop here. The source definitely contains the names of the rest (the 4/5 Pokemon type combos) with one or two exceptions:

As PrimalKyogre commented, Silvally and Arceus with their respective Flying items make the total 5.

Also the introduction of Zarude as a Grass/Dark type isn't updated in the link just yet.

Aside from that, I'm pretty sure Bulbapedia did a more thorough job than I could ever.
o damn I didn't realize there was a bulbapedia page for this. I went through the page for each type and used F3 to search for other types rip
4 votes

Normal/Fire - 2
Normal/Water - 1
Normal/Electric - 2
Normal/Grass - 2
Normal/Fighting - 4
Normal/Ground - 1
Normal/Psychic - 5
Normal/Dark - 5
Normal/Fairy - 5

Fire/Water - 1
Fire/Electric - 1
Fire/Ice - 1
Fire/Poison - 2
Fire/Ground - 4
Fire/Psychic - 3
Fire/Bug - 4
Fire/Rock - 3
Fire/Ghost - 5
Fire/Dragon - 3
Fire/Dark - 4
Fire/Steel - 1

Water/Electric - 3
Water/Grass - 3
Water/Fighting - 3
Water/Bug - 5
Water/Ghost - 2
Water/Dragon - 3
Water/Steel - 1
Water/Fairy - 4

Electric/Grass - 1
Electric/Ice - 2
Electric/Poison - 3
Electric/Ground - 1
Electric/Psychic - 1
Electric/Bug - 4
Electric/Rock - 3
Electric/Ghost - 1
Electric/Dragon - 3
Electric/Dark - 2
Electric/Steel - 4
Electric/Fairy - 2

Grass/Ice - 2 (3 counting Mega Abomasnow as a separate Pokemon)
Grass/Fighting - 3
Grass/Ground - 1
Grass/Psychic - 3
Grass/Rock - 2
Grass/Dragon - 5
Grass/Dragon - 3
Grass/Steel - 3
Grass/Fairy - 5

Ice/Fighting - 1
Ice/Ground - 3
Ice/Flying - 2
Ice/Psychic - 4
Ice/Bug - 2
Ice/Rock - 2
Ice/Ghost - 1
Ice/Dragon - 1 (3 counting all Kyurem forms separately)
Ice/Dark - 2
Ice/Steel - 2
Ice/Fairy - 1

Fighting/Poison - 2
Fighting/Flying - 1
Fighting/Psychic - 5 (6 counting Mega Medicham as a separate Pokemon)
Fighting/Bug - 3 (4 counting Mega Heracross as a separate Pokemon)
Fighting/Rock - 1
Fighting/Ghost - 1
Fighting/Dragon - 2
Fighting/Dark - 3
Fighting/Steel - 3 (4 counting Mega Lucario as a separate Pokemon)

Poison/Ground - 2
Poison/Flying - 3
Poison/Rock - 1
Poison/Ghost - 3 (4 counting Mega Gengar as a separate Pokemon)
Poison/Dragon - 3 (4 counting Eternamax Eternatus as a separate Pokemon)
Poison/Dark - 5
Poison/Fairy - 1

Ground/Flying - 3 (4 counting Landorus forms separately)
Ground/Psychic - 2
Ground/Bug - 2
Ground/Dark - 3
Ground/Steel - 5 (6 counting Mega Steelix as a separate Pokemon)

Flying/Rock - 4 (6 counting Mega Aerodactyl and Minior's forms as separate Pokemon)
Flying/Ghost - 3
Flying/Dark - 5
Flying/Steel - 3
Flying/Fairy - 2

Psychic/Bug - 2
Psychic/Rock - 2
Psychic/Ghost - 3
Psychic/Dragon - 3 (5 counting Mega Latios and Latias as separate Pokemon)
Psychic/Dark - 3

Bug/Rock - 5
Bug/Ghost - 1
Bug/Fairy - 2

Rock/Dragon - 2
Rock/Dark - 1 (2 counting Mega Tyranitar as a separate Pokemon)
Rock/Fairy - 2 (3 counting Mega Diancie as a separate Pokemon)

Ghost/Dragon - 4 (5 counting Giratina's forms separately)
Ghost/Dark - 2 (3 counting Mega Sableye as a separate Pokemon)
Ghost/Steel - 3 (4 counting Aegislash's forms separately)
Ghost/Fairy - 1

Dragon/Dark - 4
Dragon/Steel - 2
Dragon/Fairy - 1

Dark/Steel - 2
Dark/Fairy - 3

Steel/Fairy - 4 (5 counting Mega Mawile as a separate Pokemon)

That's a cleaner way of putting it, and this one points out some inconsistencies with the other list I posted (Mega Steelix, Aegislash formes, B/W Kyurem). You don't mind if I use this at a later time to update the other answers? Thanks in advance (:
That's fine by me, so go ahead. I only started noticing the Mega Pokemon at Abomasnow, so I might've missed some, so you should probably double check those.