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Actually I have 2 Question
1) If a Leafeon holding a Coba berry is hit with Brave bird (x2) can it OHKO ?
2) If a Parasect holding a Coba berry is hit with Brave bird (x4) can it OHKO ?

Yes, they can be OHKOed (saying from many unfortunate experiences) but I don’t know about those specific examples so I’m commenting this rather than answering.
The berries only halve the damage. If the damage is more than twice the holder's HP, then it will still be more than the holder's HP after halving.

1 Answer

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Best answer

It is in the realm of possibilities. Ultimately, the deciding factor is who is the attacking Pokemon and how many boosts from moves or items did it get. I know this for a fact as just five minutes ago, my Tyranitar with chople berry was killed in one high jump kick from Mega Medicham when I was doing a mock battle

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