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2 votes

I really want to soft reset after shiny regis and I have ruby/sapphire but I like them low leveled so I can have them sooner in a save.


2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

There have been several Regigigas events that have since passed. Fortunately, if you're playing Diamond, Pearl, or Platinum, you can still obtain two of these events.

The DNS Exploit, which uses fan-hosted servers to access old Mystery Gifts, will allow you to access the TRU Regigigas (DP) and the EUSMR09 Regigigas (DPPt). For help with setting up the exploit, reference our detailed guide. A Regigigas obtained through this method is legitimate and will pass hack checks.

If you're not playing DPPt, you can often obtain Regigigas through static encounters. A full list may be viewed here.

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1 vote

In the past, there have been two Regigigas events, one in the US, and one from the movie in Japan.

But, they have passed, so l guess you have to trade it from someone.

Sorry if l didn't answer your question, it doesn't really make much sense to me.
