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1 vote

If you have a good competitive moveset for Applin, post an answer below and upvote the best ones.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Applin Pokédex and learnset for reference.

edited by
Thx for editing, I couldnt post the image, but thx.
You're welcome!

5 Answers

1 vote

Applin @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Ripen
Level: 5
EVs: 196 Atk / 116 SpA / 196 SpD
Brave Nature
- Grassy Glide
- Recycle
- Draco Meteor
- Sucker Punch

Intended for use with Grookey. Grassy Glide is STAB, and it gets priority in the Grassy Terrain Grookey sets up. Draco Meteor is STAB. Sucker Punch can net you a KO. Ripen + Sitrus Berry + Recycle = fun.

This set obviously can be used without Grookey, but you miss out on priority STAB.

Got hit by another snipe shot!
0 votes

Applin @ Sitrus Berry
Ability: Bulletproof
Level: 5
EVs: 116 HP / 196 Def / 196 SpD
Impish Nature
- Attract
- Sucker Punch
- Recycle
- Withdraw

I couldn't have any more ideas because well, lets admit Applin's movepool SUCKS. So, I decided that it will be a staller as it has access to withdraw and recycle. Bulletproof means a decent number of moves won't be able to affect this dude such as Tentacool's and Skrelp's Sludge Bomb, although Sludge Wave is much more common. Withdraw to raise defenses and Attract is to "infatuate" the opposing gender Pokemon. It has to be bulky so max defense and special defense, although Abra will make this dude "get rekt" and you might want to switch to another Pokemon. A good example might be Vullaby, as it is immune to Abra's STAB Psychic and resists Shadow Ball, so it is the perfect teammate for Applin. Another example is Pawniard, as it is a sweeper and has the same advantages like Vullaby too. Just one difference, Vullaby's a staller while Pawniard's a sweeper. Sucker Punch to take damage while stalling when you regained your HP back with the sitrus berry.

Hope you like this moveset :).

0 votes

It needs Grookey support and it's pretty much as bad as Snom don't attack me.

Applin @ Eviolite
Ability: Bulletproof
Level: 5
EVs: 196 HP / 196 Atk / 116 SpA
Brave Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sucker Punch
- Grassy Glide
- Rollout

I don't trust this thing enough to let it use a set with a berry + Ripen + Recycle. Eviolite is for more bulk. Bulletproof is good because... it isn't holding a berry. Brave doesn't cut into its defenses or Special Attack and it doesn't really need Speed since it has Grassy Glide and Sucker Punch. Draco Meteor is STAB. Sucker Punch and Grassy Glide are both priority (assuming that Grassy Terrain is in play) and Grassy Glide gets STAB. Rollout is because.... the rest of its movepool sucks more.

0 votes

The world of competitive is dangerous out there. Here, take this!

Applin @ Oran Berry
Ability: Ripen
Level: 5
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 116 HP / 196 Def / 196 SpD
Quirky Nature
- Draco Meteor
- Sucker Punch
- Astonish / Recycle
- Grassy Glide

This Apple is so terrible it's funny. Oran Berry restores 10 HP, doubled thanks to Ripen, means it almost surely takes you back to full. Recycle gives you another Berry, and Grassy Glide for Grass STAB. If you have Grassy Surge Grookey, Grassy Glide has priority on Terrain. Sucker Punch for good priority (you need it). Draco Meteor for that unexpected slap in the face to your opponent, unless they have a Fairy/Steel type lol. Have fun using this gimmick set, and enjoy the Apple.

Hope I helped! :D

0 votes

First time making a moveset, so… hope this is good.

Applin @ Oran Berry
Ability: Ripen
Level: 5
EVs: (116 Def / 196 SpDef / 196 HP) OR (116 HP / 196 Attack / 196 Speed)
Impish Nature OR Adamant Nature
- Defense Curl
- Rollout
- Grassy Glide
- Recycle / Sucker Punch

This set is more or less built around the Defense Curl-Rollout sweep strategy. Doing this with an Applin might be a bit difficult, but it's more for the gimmick than anything else. So, obviously, you start off with Defense Curl to boost your limited stats, and also to give Rollout a much-needed damage boost. Rollout also provides some coverage against scary Ice- or Flying-types if you can't switch. Oran Berry is in case you take damage, with Ripen for extra recovery. You can Recycle it if needed, or Sucker Punch to get in a quick hit. Grassy Glide is for STAB, plus, it's got priority under Grassy Terrain. As for EVs, the first set is for a more tanky build. The second is more for sweeping, if you can sweep with a worm in some fruit. Since all of Applin's moves are Physical, you don't need a Special Attack-boosting nature. Impish is for some extra tankiness, while Adamant boosts Applin's limited Attack.

Hope this was helpful! If you have any suggestions or revisions, let me know.

edited by
do you mean Sitrus Berry?
Think sitrus berry is banned from lc
Oops. My bad. Like I said, I'm new. Swap it out for a Ripen-boosted Oran Berry. Thanks for the heads-up.
you should edit your answer