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6 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Slaking, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Slaking Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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17 Answers

3 votes

Slaking @ Choice Scarf

Adamant Nature +Atk - Sp. Atk

EVS 252 attack / 100 Spd / 60 def / 60 sp def

  • Giga Impact
  • Earthquake
  • Hammer Arm
  • Ice Punch
3 votes

Aww, Nobody put my favorite set...

Revenge... ^_^

Slaking (M) @ Life Orb

Trait: Truant

EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)

  • Retaliate

  • Earthquake

  • Brick Break

  • Shadow Claw

And to answer the question that I KNOW will come up, I choose Retaliate over Giga Impact, because being a revenge killer, he can still do massive damage, and be able to switch.

Uuuum the fact that he has the trait truant makes him perfect for slaking unless you want to switch him out. what I would do is max up his speed, defense, and attack so that Slaking is able to do massive damage with moves like giga impact and then when he is recovering he can take hits.
What exactly does (M) mean?
(M) or (F) after the Pokémon’s name denotes the gender, male or female, of the Pokémon. It’s often excluded, since it usually doesn’t matter, but you’ll see it occasionally.
ahhh...technically should probably have both and replace brick break as all the coverage you'll need is given by earthquake
I like how this set works
2 votes

Slaking @ Choice Band

EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)

  • Return
  • Hammer Arm/Earthquake
  • Shadow Claw
  • Pursuit

Since Slaking should be switching out after it has attacked anyway, a choice item works excellently.
Return is good STAB.
Hammer Arm and Earthquake both have good coverage, Hammer Arm takes care of Normal- Ice and Dark-types while Earthquake takes care of Fire- Electric- and Poison-types both in addition to Rock and Steel types who boths main use is for.
Hammar Arm has 90 Accuracy as opposed to 100 but both are definitely good.
Shadow Claw is used to hit Ghosts.
Pursuit punishes fleeing Pokes.

Good set.
2 votes

Slaking (M) @ Leftovers/Life Orb
Trait: Truant
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spd / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SAtk)
- Pursuit
- Return
- Earthquake
- Shadow Claw

Okay, this set has a very particular strategy in mind. It needs a lot of preparation and luck to pull off successfully. As we all know, Slaking has fantastic stats, but is crippled by his ability, forcing him to do nothing every other turn. However, Gen V introduced a new Ghost type, Cofagrigus, with the unique ability Mummy. When a Pokemon makes a contact move against him, their ability becomes Mummy too. The ability can spread from Pokemon to Pokemon through physical contact.

Here's the good part. You send out Cofagrigus on an opponent's physical attacker, who then attacks and gains Mummy. You then send out Slaking. Even if the opponent catches on to your plan and tries to switch out, you use Pursuit, guaranteeing that you will lose your ability. Now, with no Truant, you are free to completely destroy the opponent's team.

Pursuit is there for obvious reasons. Return is your main STAB move, with its 153 base power, sure to leave a dent in anything that doesn't resist it. Earthquake covers Rock- and Steel-types trying to wall you, while Shadow Claw hits Ghost types super effectively, rounding off your coverage. This strategy doesn't always work, but if it does, it's GG no re. Hope I helped :]

you can also use skill swap
Or Gastro acid.
2 votes

Slaking "The king of all if understood well and took advantage of"

Problem of truant - "Truant can technically be Skill Swapped away, however neither Slakoth, Slaking or Durant learn it."

So what can we do skill swap with an ally.

So my slaking paired with my alakazam.

A quick look of my alakazam that guy has skill swap it's the only major thing.

My alakazam and slaking enter the battle and slaking destroys everything else.

Slaking (M) @ Toxic Orb
Trait: Truant but technically Magic Guard / Synchronize
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 6 Def
Adamant Nature (+ Atk - Sp. Atk)

  1. Facade / Giga Impact
  2. Brick Break
  3. Shadow Claw
  4. Slack Off

So.... yeah this is a bit too much. First up we have understood the problem of truant and took advantage of it secondly we gave this fat boi a toxic orb and my alakazam gave my slaking the ability Synchronize and it passes on badly poison without wasting a turn. Second the truant technically halved it's starts 670/2 = 335 right? But now this non legendary groudon/kyogre will smash all tiers. Another thing is toxic orb makes it immune to other status conditions making it even vicious.

Let's come to the moveset
Facade is so good with a toxic orb really a bit less powerful than giga impact but it doesn't need recharge. Especially when you have magic guard.

Brick Break is some coverage against other normal and 4 other types.
Shadow claw is to hit ghosts ok?
Recovery on a strong bulky Pokemon is devastating and unlike rest it doesn't remove poison. So come on this is so bad for opponents without hacks. So like it is so easy to understand and self explainatry cool smash it bro.

If someone comments rubbish like come on man why are talking .... in front of the strongest non legendary Pokemon or non mega Pokemon out there.

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you could have a pokemon use entrainment on it so that both pokemon will not have a hindering ability
Entertainment doesn't work on truant
0 votes

Only use this set for when you get rid of Truant.

Slaking (F) @ Leftovers
Trait: Truant
EVs: 176 Atk / 184 SDef / 148 Spd
Jolly Nature (+Spd, -SAtk)
- Pursuit
- Return
- Focus Punch
- Substitute

Get behind that sub, and it'll be tough for anyone to break it.

0 votes

Note: this is ONLY to be used in a double or triple battle with a partner who knows gastro acid or skill swap. Tailwind support, though not absolutely required, is helpful.

Nature: jolly/adamant
Items: life orb or chople berry
Ability: truant
Evs: 4 hp 252 atk 252 spd
Return for stab
Earthquake hits multiple opponents and rock and steel types
Shadow claw: hits ghosts
Brick break/fire punch/rockslide each provide additional coverage.

Protect can also be thrown in there to keep slaking safe while his allies remove threats

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-_- giga impact is so much better then return.
0 votes

I have just tried this and it OHKO a clefable and a scrafty

Slaking @ Assault Vest/leftovers/choice band/choice scarf
Ability: Truant
Shiny: Yes
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SDef
Adamant Nature
- Giga Impact/Return(choose power over accuracy)
- Slack Off/aerial ace/shadow claw(if assault vest, use aerial ace or shadow claw)
- Sucker Punch(for ghost and prioty)
- Hammer Arm(no reason lol)

Bolded are the moves that I use

0 votes

This is the moveset I use for my slaking, and I will also cover the method for using this set effectively. (At least how I do it)

Item: shell bell
Nature: adamant
Evs: 252 atk, 252 def, 4 spd
Trait: truant (mostly unimportant)

Bulk up
Fire punch
Ice punch

This is a setup that can be used in singles, but is best used in doubles.
In singles, bulk up is used to setup adding bulk and damage, the shell bell to restore damage taken during loafing rounds and from specials, and the three punches provide decent coverage, though it does hurt a little to not have STAB, this guy's enormous atk makes up for it.
In doubles, bulk up becomes necessary only if the initial strategy fails. Open with mega blaziken (baton pass) and an iron fist pangoro with protect. First turn, blaziken uses swords dance, pangoro protects. Second turn baton pass slaking in (1 sd and 1 speed boost), and have pangoro entrainment on blaziken (will hit slaking). Slaking is then already set up and his poor ability has been replaced with iron fist, which boosts the power of those punches, which provide coverage against a lot, should be doing at worst neutral damage every turn. A decent tank (possibly with follow me) to switch pangoro for doesn't hurt, and shell bell should help slaking stay in the fight a while longer.

0 votes

My build was a Male Slaking with Bright powder
Nature Jolly
Ev 252 Atk Spd and 4 for sp def
Hammer arm (Rock steel Ice coverage kind of a last resort move cuz of spd debuff )
Ice punch (Cuz somebody just always has to have a dragon)
Giga Impact ( Made for Slaking)
Aerial Ace ( A good no miss move plus slight Fighting type coverage)

0 votes

Slaking @ Normalium Z
Ability: Truant
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Giga Impact
- Night Slash / Shadow Claw
- Earthquake
- Play Rough / Ice Punch / Fire Punch

  • Normalium-Z for Z-Giga Impact giving you a hilarious animation when using Breakneck Blitz.
  • Night Slash or Shadow Claw to hit Ghost Types
  • Earthquake to hit Rock and Steel types
  • Play Rough could be used to hit Fighting Types and Dragon Types while Ice Punch hits Dragon Types and Ground Types and has great coverage overall
  • And then Fire Punch is an option for great coverage and hits Skarmory and Celesteela for Super Effective Damage.
0 votes

I suppose you could try this:

Slaking: @ Leftovers
Ability: Truant
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Nature: Adamant (+ Atk., - Sp. Atk.)

  • Earthquake (For that type coverage)

  • Giga Impact (STAB damage, 150 base damage, applying to Slaking's GODLY attack stat and Truant negating recharge? Yes please!)

  • Play Rough (Take care of those pesky Fighting types)

  • Slack Off (50% health recovery is always useful)

This Slaking setup has to do with dealing a large amount of damage while keeping yourself up at the same time, plus the Giga Impact plus Truant combo ceases to amaze me and other people due to it's raw power. Play Rough, while not as powerful as Giga Impact, takes care of those Fighting types it's weak to, while Earthquake takes care of pretty much everything else you'll need to worry about. Slack Off is there just to preserve life, and with its EVs distributed like that, it has 500 HP, so 250 HP each time you use Slack Off. Hope this is of assistance!

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0 votes

Gen VI+

Slaking (M) @ Assault Vest/Focus Sash

Ability: Truant

EVs: 252 ATK / 252 HP / 4 SPD or 252 ATK / 252 SPD / 4 HP

Jolly/Adamant Nature (SPD+ SPATK-, ATK+ SPATK-)

  • Giga Impact (150 BP, STAB)
  • Shadow Claw (Ghost-type coverage)
  • Earthquake (Rock and Steel-type coverage)
  • Counter (To retaliate against enemies that do high physical damage.)

This is preferably with a setup ally. One like Noivern w/Tailwind or a Cofagrigus w/Mummy can tremendously help Slaking. Mummy can nullify his Truant, and Noivern can double his speed for about four turns. Giga Impact will hurt a lot, knowing it gains the STAB boost, and has a 150 base power. Best thing about Giga Impact for Slaking is, in the turn it will recuperate from Giga Impact, it counts for Truant. Shadow Claw is good for those annoying Ghost-types. Earthquake to get rid of Steel and Rock Pokemon, and Counter to just completely demolish those with high physical prowess.

0 votes

Gen 7

Vigoroth @ Eviolite
Ability: Vital Spirit
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Body Slam / Return
- Earthquake
- Play Rough
- Bulk Up

Body Slam is STAB that has a 30% chance to paralyze opposing Pokemon. Return can be used instead for a stronger STAB move without any bad side effects. Earthquake hits rock and steel types. Play Rough deals Vigoroth's fighting weakness. Bulk Up boosts your attack and defense.

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0 votes

Gen IV

Slaking (M) @ Choice Band
Ability: Truant
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe / 4 HP
Jolly Nature
- Shadow Claw
- Fire Punch
- Earthquake
- Return

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0 votes

Gen IX

Slaking @ Life Orb
Ability: Truant
Tera: Ghost
EVs: 252 Atk/252 HP/252 Spd
Adamant Nature

-Body Slam
-Drain Punch
-Play Rough
-Stomping Tantrum

Body Slam for normal STAB. Play Rough to deal with those fighting types, Drain Punch for healing, and Stomping Tantrum to take adavantage of the truant ability. Tera Ghost to throw a fighting type of guard and retaliate using play rough (unless your in truant). Again Stomping Tantrum is literally a 150 base power ground move for slaking because of truant.

0 votes

Gen 9
This is a Slaking moveset, we will pair this with a meowscarada moveset to make life for opponets hard.

Slaking @ Leftovers
Ability: Truant
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Slack Off
- Shadow Claw
- Sucker Punch
- Brick Break / Earthquake

Here is how it works, so meowscarada uses skill swap to change the ability of slaking to protean so you get to change types. that way you can change slaking into whatever type it is. This makes slaking a whole different type, and besides, you get slack of which heals you and unlike rest, It does not put you to sleep. Now, Meawscarada can use moves like helping hand. now go wild and sweep the team.

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Let me explain the meowscarada moveset,
Item - Focus sash
tera type - grass
Evs - speed 252, Hp 252
Jolly nature
Ability - Protean
- Flower trick( for dealing more damage)
- skill swap (for changing slaking's ability)
- helping hand (for powering up slaking)
- chilling water(for dealing with pokemon weak to water)
This is to pair with slaking
You're using too many EVs; the max is 508 total.
With this new EV spread, you're wasting 4 EVs and not using another 4.
"adamandant" "slack of" "opponets" "meawscarada"