Squirtle line: Skull Bash, Gen II only
Beedrill: Twineedle, Gen I to Gen IV
Pidgey line: Feather Dance, Gen III only
Rattata line: Hyper Fang, Super Fang, Gen I to Gen III
Ekans line: Glare, Gen I only
(Pichu) Pikachu line: Volt Tackle, from Gen III
Pikachu-Partner: Floaty Fall, Pika Papow, Splishy Splash, Zippy Zap, Let's Go only
Oddish line: Petal Dance, Gen I only
Paras line: Spore, Gen I and Gen II only
Diglett line: Fissure, Gen II only
Meowth: Pay Day, Gen II to Gen VI
Persian: Pay Day, Gen II and Gen III only
Arcanine: Extreme Speed, Gen II only
Kadabra and Alakazam: Kinesis (only in Yellow, Gen 1)
Machop and Machoke: Vital Throw, Gen II only
Machamp: Vital Throw in Gen II only, Strength in Gen VII only
Slowbro-Galar: Shell Side Arm
Shellder: Clamp (Gen I and Gen II) Icicle Spear (Gen III, FRLG only, Gen IV)
Cloyster: Clamp, Gen I only
Gastly line: Night Shade, Gen I only
Krabby line: Crabhamer, Gen I and Gen II only
Exeggcute line: Barrage, Gen I to Gen VII
Exeggutor-Alola: Barrage (Gen VII only), Dragon Hammer
Cubone line: Bonemerang, (Bone Club (Gen I to VII)), Bone Rush (Gen II and Gen III only)
Marowak-Alola: Bone Club (Gen VII only), Shadow Bone
Hitmonlee: High Jump Kick (Gen I and Gen II only), Jump Kick (Gen I to Gen III), Mega Kick (Gen II, IV, V, VI), Rolling Kick (Gen II to Gen VI)
Hitmonchan: Mach Punch (Gen II and Gen VIII only)
Weezing-Galar: Strange Steam
Chansey: Soft-Boiled (Gen II, IV, V, VI, VII and Gen VIII)
Kangaskhan: Dizzy Punch, Gen I and II
Goldeen line: Waterfall, Gen I only
Staryu: Camouflage, Gen III only
Mr. Mime: Substitute, Gen II only
Jynx: Lovely Kiss
Magikarp: Splash
Eevee-Partner: Baddy Bad, Bouncy Bubble, Buzzy Buzz, Freezy Frost, Glitzy Glow, Sappy Seed, Sizzly Slide, Sparkly Swirl, Veevee Volley
Porygon line: Conversion, Conversion 2 (Gen II onwards), Sharpen (Gen I to IV)
Articuno-Galar: Freezing Glare
Moltres: Sky Attack, Gen II only
Moltres-Galar: Fiery Wrath
Zapdos-Galar: Thunderous Kick
Dratini line: Outrage, Gen I only
Mewtwo: Psystrike, Gen V onwards
Spinarak line: Sticky Web, Gen II to IV, Toxic Thread (Gen VII only)
Sudowoodo: Mimic, Gen II only
Espeon: Morning Sun, Gen II only
Slowking-Galar: Eerie Spell
Misdreavus: Pain Split (Gen II and Gen III only), Psywave (Gen II only)
Heracross: Megahorn, Gen II only
Sneasel: Beat Up, Gen II and Gen III only
Octillery: Octazooka (Gen II to Gen VII)
Deliberd: Present
Skarmory: Steel Wing, Gen V only
Smeargle: Sketch, Gen II to Gen VII
Hitmontop: Rolling Kick, Triple Kick (both, Gen II to Gen VI)
Miltank: Milk Drink (Gen II onwards, except Gen VI and VII)
Lugia: Aeroblast, Psycho Boost (only in Gen VIII)
Ho-Oh: Sacred Fire, Gen II to V
Grovyle and Sceptile: Leaf Blade, Gen III only
Blaziken: Blaze Kick, Gen III only
Marshtomp and Swampert: Muddy Water, Gen III only
Nuzleaf: Extrasensory, Gen III only
Slakoth and Slaking: Gen III only
Makuhita line: Smelling Salts (Gen II to Gen VII), Arm Thrust (Gen III and IV only)
Skitty: Assist, Gen III only
Volbeat: Tail Glow, Gen III only
Roselia: Grass Whistle, Gen III only
Spoink line: Magic Coat, Gen III only
Spinda: Teeter Dance, Gen III and IV only
Cacnea line: Needle Arm, Gen III and IV only
Zangoose: Crush Claw, Gen III only
Seviper: Poison Tail, Gen III and IV only
Castform: Weather Ball, Gen III only
Spheal line: Ice Ball, Gen III to V
Latios: Luster Purge
Latias: Mist Ball
Kyogre: Origin Pulse, Gen VI onward
Groudon: Precipice Blades, Gen VI onward
Rayquaza: Dragon Ascent, Gen VI onward
Jirachi: Doom Desire
Deoxys (all formes): Psycho Boost, until Gen VII
Vespiquen: Attack Order, Defend Order, Heal Order
Chatot: Chatter, until Gen VII
Rhyperior: Rock Wrecker, Gen IV only
Dialga: Roar of Time
Palkia: Spacial Rend
Heatran: Magma Storm
Regigigas: Crush Grip
Giratina (both formes): Shadow Force
Cresselia: Lunar Dance
Manaphy: Heat Swap, Gen IV to VI
Shaymin(Both formes): Seed Flare, until Gen VII
Arceus: Judgement, until Gen VII
Victini: Searing Shot, V-create
Tepig line: Heat Crash, until Gen VII
Audino: Secret Power, Gen V and VII only
Zorua line: Night Daze, until Gen VI, (Lunala learns it)
Minccino line: Tail Slap, until Gen VII
Sawsbuck: Horn Leech, Gen V only
Klink line: Shift Gear (Gen V and VI only), Gear Grind
Accelgor: Water Shuriken, Gen VIII only
Stunfisk-Galar: Snap Trap
Boufallant: Head Charge
Heatmor: Fire Lash, Gen VII only
Volcarona: Fiery Dance
Cobalion, Terrakion, Virizion: Sacred Sword, Gen V only
Reshiram: Fusion Flare, Blue Flare
Zekrom: Fusion Bolt, Bolt Strike
Kyurem: Glaciate
Kyurem Black: Fusion Bolt, Freeze Shock
Kyurem White: Fusion Flare, Ice Burn
Keldeo: Sacred Sword (Gen V only), Secret Sword
Meloetta (both formes): Relic Song, until Gen VII
Genesect: Techno Blast
Greninja: Mat Block, Gen VI only
Vivillion: Powder, until Gen VII
Litleo line: Noble Roar, Gen VI only
Floette-Eternal: Light of Ruin, until Gen VII
Pancham line: Parting Shot (Gen VI only), Arm Thrust (Gen VIII only)
Aegislash: King's Shield
Aromatisse: Aromatic Mist, Gen VI only
Inkay line: Topsy-Turvy, until Gen VII
Helioptile line: Electrify, until Gen VII
Hawlucha: Flying Press, Gen VII onward
Klefki: Crafty Shield (Gen VI only), Fairy Lock
Phatump line: Forest's Curse
Pumpkaboo: Trick-Or-Treat
Xerneas: Geomancy
Yveltal: Oblivion Wing
Zygarde: Land's Wrath, (Thousand Waves, Thousand Arrows, Core Enforcer (Gen VII onward)
Diancie: Diamond Storm
Hoopa-Confined: Hyperspace Hole
Hoopa-Unbound: Hyperspace Fury
Volcanion: Steam Eruption
Decidueye: Spirit Shackle
Incineroar: Darkest Lariat, Gen VII only
Primarina: Sparkling Aria
Toucannon: Beak Blast
Crabominable: Ice Hammer
Oricorio: Revelation Dance
Ribombee: Pollen Puff
Lycanroc midday and Dusk: Accelorock
Toxapex: Baneful Bunker
Lurantis: Solar Blade (Gen VII only)
Morelull line: Strength Sap, Gen VII only
Tsareena: Trop Kick
Comfey: Floral Healing
Oranguru: Instruct
Golispod: First Impression, Gen VII only
Sandygast line: Shore Up
Pyukumuku: Purify
Silvally: Multi Attack
Togedemaru: Zing Zap, Gen VII only
Bruxish: Psychic Fangs, Gen VII only
Kommo-O: Clanging Scales, Clanging Soul (Gen VIII only)
Tapu Koko, Bulu, Lele, Fini: Nature's Madness
Solgaleo: Sunsteel Strike
Lunala: Moongeist Beam
Necrozma: Photon Geyser
Necrozma-Dusk Mane: Prismatic Laser, Sunsteel Strike, Photon Geyser
Necrozma-Dawn Wings: Prismatic Laser, Moongeist Beam, Photon Geyser
Magearna: Fleur Cannon
Marshadow: Spectral Thief
Zeraora: Plasma Fists
Blacephalon: Mind Blown
Melmetal: Double Iron Bash
Rillaboom: Drum Beating
Cinderace: Pyro Ball
Inteleon: Snipe Shot
Skwovet, Greedent: Stuff Cheeks
Chewtle, Drednaw: Jaw Lock
Coalossal: Tar Shot
Flapple: Grav Apple
Appletun: Apple Acid
Grapploct: Octolock
Toxtricity: Overdrive
Polteageist: Teatime
Hatterene: Magic Powder
Impidimp line: False Surrender, Spirit Break
Obstagoon: Obstruct
Sirfetch'd: Meteor Assault
Alcremie: Decorate
Falinks: No Retreat
Morpeko: Aura Wheel
Dragapult: Dragon Darts
Zacian-Crowned Sword: Behemoth Blade
Zamazenta-Crowned Shield: Behemoth Bash
Eternatus: Eternabeam/Dynamax Cannon
Urshifu-Rapid Strike: Surging Strikes
Urshifu-Rapid Strike: Wicked Blow
Zarude: Jungle Healing
Regieleki: Thunder Cage
Regidrago: Dragon Energy
Calyrex-Ice Rider: Glacial Lance
Calyrex-Shadow Rider:Astral Barrage