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Hey guys in Pokemon Diamond do you think I can defeat the Elite 4 with a level 59 Torterra? Please include getting EXP from defeating the Elite 4.

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What is the rest of your team?
Is your team literally a level fifty nine Torterra and five unused mons? If that's the case then no. Just know that many have agreed that the Sinnoh elite four is the most nightmarish elite four of all and you will definitely not make it thru with the slowest starter
Do you mean only Torterra and nobody else? Scrapped by Lucian, since it isn't Specially defensive. And you would get walled by Bronzong.

You would dislike it, I'm sure, but I would like to include Floatzel along with Torterra. It can take care of Lucian (Crunch) and Half of Cynthia's team. It would be a good partner for Torterra.
I'm pretty sure you can, but you would use about 12 X items and a bunch of full restores in each battle.

2 Answers

3 votes

First, make sure your bag has a bunch of X speeds, full restores, and Leppa berries. Give this moveset to your Torterra.
Torterra @ metronome
Level: 59
Experience: 211,059
EVs: 252 Atk / 252 Spe
- earthquake
- razor leaf
- stone edge
- swords dance
This experience number makes Torterra reach level 60 after gaining one point. Stone edge covers stuff that resists both grass and ground, like bug and flying. If you have even more time, then you can get a lucky egg and a Torterra with perfect IVs, adamant nature, and boosted experience, but for this answer it's probably better to assume it has 16 IVs and a neutral nature.

Save right before fighting each person so you can easily soft reset when stone edge misses.

Aaron: His fastest Pokemon is a Drapion with 130 speed, so you need one X speed to outspeed the entire team. You need 2 swords dances to OHKO his entire team, partly because Heracross resists both STABs and is not weak to rock. After this battle, Torterra should have 211,693 experience, which puts it at level 60.

Bertha: Her fastest Pokemon is Whiscash with 87 speed, so you already outspeed her entire team. You need 2 swords dances to OHKO her entire team. After this battle, Torterra should have 231,413 experience, which puts it at level 61.

Flint: His fastest Pokemon is Infernape with 170 speed, so you need one X speed to outspeed his entire team. You need 1 swords dance to OHKO his entire team. After this battle, Torterra should have 243630 experience, which puts it at level 62.

Lucian: His fastest Pokemon is Alakazam with 167 speed, so you need one X speed to outspeed his entire team. Unfortunately, none of Torterra's moves can OHKO Bronzong, even at +6 physical attack. His Bronzong doesn't know any particularly dangerous moves, so you should have enough turns to use more swords dances and stone edges. After this battle, Torterra should have 254,126 experience, which puts it at level 63.

Who cares about EVs in a in-game playthrough?
Why is caring relevant to this question?
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No, you probably wouldn’t. You would be fine off against Aaron, and Bertha, you could probably make it by Flint, with the help of the EXP you gained from the first battles, but have a roadblock in the form of Lucian. You also have to remember the Diamond and Pearl Elite 4 is the hardest Elite 4 in all the Pokémon games. So, even if you scraped by Lucian, you definitely wouldn’t be able to get by Cynthia. So, you would have to grind up more.

Hope I helped!

Torterra might be able to beat Cynthia with enough X attacks.
Are you sure that the DP's Elite Four is the hardest? It was easy for me.
All Elite 4s are easy. DP is just more difficult compared to the other even easier Elite 4s.