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I was fighting a Tentacool and it used Poison Sting. I got poisoned, but the poison wasn't passed on. Is this because Tentacool cannot be poisoned?

Well yes I would assume so. You can't exactly hurt something made of Poison with poison

4 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

Even if Synchronize would have no effect due to the other Pokémon already having a status condition or the other Pokémon's type, Ability, or team condition (e.g. Safeguard), it will still activate (revealing it as the Pokémon's Ability), but have no effect.

Synchronize (Bulbapedia)

It probably did activate, but the poison wasn't passed because Tentacool cannot be poisoned.

Hope I helped!

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dang sniped
Now that I think about it, it did show the little "Ralt's Syncronize" bar thing.
Thanks so much
4 votes

Yes, you are correct. Poison-types cannot be poisoned (except in the case of Corrosion)

Oh yeah I forgot about that

Poison types with Corrosion aren't affected by Synchronize
3 votes

Yes, Poison types like Tentacruel cannot be poisoned. Therefore, Synchronize didn't activate. Synchronize will also not burn Fire types, will not freeze ice types, and will not paralyze Electric types Gen 6 onwards. It will not work if you fall asleep against a Pokemon with Insomnia either.

yep true
Thanks so much
Glad i helped
1 vote

Tentacool is a poison type,and poison types are immune to poison.
https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Poison_(status_condition) and https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Poison_(type)
Corrosion allows poison types to be poisoned though.


Poison types with Corrosion aren't affected by Synchronize
I'm talking about poison in general