I like Quagsire way more, but Gastrodon has better stats, what should I do? I am just about to fight Crasher Wake, and I need a water type (I chose Chimchar as my starter)
I think Gastrodon is better than Quagsire, mostly because its special attack is higher than both of Quagsire's attack stats. Gastrodon also makes better use of the choice specs that you can get in Celestic Town.
I would say go with Quagsire! Both Pokémon are very similar to one another, with Quagsire being used psychically and Gastrodon being used specially.
Quagsire can definitely get the job done with crasher wake and I'm a stronger believer in using your favourite Pokémon. If you're not having fun with your favourites, why go on the Sinnoh journey?