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My sister wants me to ask for her

She finally realized she can do the DNS thing to get the Mystery gifts and she wants to know what all of them are, how to get them, and all that fun stuff. If possible the DNS codes for them would be n I c e

I don’t think there’s codes, for me I just searched the mystery gift and got a random Pokémon. However, I’ve only done it in gen 5
Yeah I mean the dns codes ;w;
Ah, ok

2 Answers

4 votes
Best answer

To get Gen 4/5 event Pokemon, you need to connect to Wiimmfi. This is a service that replicates the functionality of Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, which shut down in 2014.

This is very easy and requires no mods, thanks to a flaw with how the DS tries to confirm that it is talking to a real Nintendo server. You simply need to change your console's internet connection settings to point to a custom DNS server, which will direct your console onto Wiimmfi's server.

This answer explains how. Follow the instructions carefully, as Gen 4 and Gen 5 each default to different interfaces for their connection settings (and DS, DSi, and 3DS each work differently).

Navigation: Gen 4, Gen 5

Gen 4 (DPPt, HGSS)

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Step 1: Access point setup

To use the internet in Gen 4 games, you need a wireless access point running on the 2.4 GHz band with compatible security settings (WEP or unsecured). This can present an issue, as many modern Wi-Fi connections are 5 GHz by default and don't support WEP (which is an outdated, unsecure protocol).

The easiest way around this is to hotspot your phone with no security and 2.4 GHz compatibility turned on. You should use the "hide network" feature so other people won't see your SSID. Most smartphones have this functionality; if you don't have one that does it, you can set an unsecured Wi-Fi connection with your router and whitelist your console's MAC address (which you can find in its internet settings).

Step 2: Accessing WFC settings

Once you have set up a connection, you need to configure your console to use it. For Gen 4 games, this must be done with the Nintendo DS connection setup utility, which looks like this:


You can access this menu in-game by pressing "Nintendo WFC Settings" in the main menu after the title screen. This is the easiest and most foolproof approach. However, on DSi and 3DS, you can also access the same settings through your system settings:

  1. For DSi, go to System Settings ➜ Internet. DON'T open the Advanced Setup menu, as this will not work for Gen 4 games. (The menu doesn't look like the picture above, but that is OK.)
  2. For 3DS, go to System Settings ➜ Internet Settings ➜ Nintendo DS Connections. You will see the menu above, just like you're using an original DS console.

Make sure that you are NOT using connection slots 4 to 6 on DSi and you are NOT changing the normal system settings on 3DS. If you have problems, open the menu through your game.

Step 3: Entering settings

When you have the correct menu open, select any one of the three connection slots. The most foolproof approach is to start with a fresh connection slot, so erase one of the configs if they're all full.


When you have a fresh connection open, press "Manual Setup". Now, follow the steps:

  1. In "SSID", write the name of the connection you set up on your phone or router.
  2. Leave all the following options blank/default until you reach "Auto-obtain DNS". Select "No", then enter the following IP address into both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields: (updated: Nov 2024)
  3. Save the settings. Feel free to test the connection to verify that it works.

You may need to try a couple times before the DS is given a local IP address. If it persistently doesn't work, troubleshoot with Wiimmfi's errorcode lookup.

Step 4: Using Mystery Gift

Mystery Gift is an option on the main menu after the title screen of your Pokemon game. In HGSS, it unlocks after you get the Pokedex. In DPPt, it unlocks after you enter a password with a TV producer on the third floor of Jubilife TV in Jubilife City. In English, the required answers are 1) "EVERYONE HAPPY" and 2) "Wi-Fi CONNECTION". For other languages, check Bulbapedia.

When you have the Mystery Gift screen open, choose the option that says to receive a gift via Nintendo WFC Connection. After a few seconds, the game will offer one Mystery Gift for you to obtain. If you try Mystery Gift multiple times, the game will offer different gifts. You can be offered the same gift multiple times, but you cannot receive it twice. It can be tedious to get the precise gift you want.

The most complete list of available gifts is on this shacknews.com article. Beware that this article contains misinformation in its other sections (yes, you can use Wiimmfi on a DSi). Not every gift ever distributed is on offer, but the popular ones are.

Gen 5 (BW, B2W2)

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Step 1: Access point setup

Gen 5 Pokemon games are considered "DSi Enhanced" games, which means they can use modern protocols to access the internet. All you need is a 2.4 GHz connection, which most likely won't require a shonky hotspot setup like Gen 4. WPA2 (the standard security protocol) will work. The only catch is the original DS line of consoles doesn't support this, so if you don't have DSi or 3DS, you'll need to use WEP/unsecured.

If the console persistently cannot find your access point, then it is probably because it is 5 GHz.

Step 2: Accessing WFC settings

Gen 5 games are capable of using the Advanced Setup connections on the DSi and the normal (non-ancient) connection settings on the 3DS. In fact, they default to using these settings, and will only fall back on the original DS settings when forced to. Here's how to access the settings:

  1. For DS, you need to use the entire process described above for Gen 4 games. Read that section instead.
  2. For DSi, go to System Settings ➜ Internet ➜ Advanced Setup. This will bring up connections 4 to 6, which can be set to use WPA2, among other things.
  3. For 3DS, go to System Settings ➜ Internet Settings ➜ Connection Settings. You will see three connection options. These are not the same as in the emulated DS connection menu, which is good.

If you're on a DSi or 3DS, Gen 5 won't let you access internet settings through the in-game menu, so open them using your system settings instead.

Step 3: Entering settings

Open one of the three connections (remember: connection 4, 5, or 6 on DSi) and do a manual setup. Then, follow the steps, similar to how it was described for Gen 4:

  1. In "SSID", write the name of the connection you set up on your phone or router.
  2. In "Security", choose the security of your Wi-Fi connection. If you're not sure, choose "WPA2-PSK (AES)". Enter the security key.
  3. Leave all the following options blank/default until you reach "Auto-obtain DNS" (which is nested under "DNS" on 3DS). Select "No", then enter the following IP address into both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS fields: (updated: Nov 2024)
  4. Save the settings. Feel free to test the connection to verify that it works.

You may need to try a couple times before the console is given an IP address. If it persistently doesn't work, troubleshoot with Wiimmfi's errorcode lookup.

Step 4: Using Mystery Gift

In Gen 5, Mystery Gift is enabled from the beginning of the game. Like described for Gen 4, choose to receive a gift over Nintendo WFC. The process is much the same: you are offered one gift at a time, can be offered the same gift multiple times, but cannot get the same gift multiple times. Refer to the list on this article for a mostly-accurate list of available gifts.

If the game keeps saying that Nintendo WFC has been discontinued, it's talking to Nintendo's server, which means you didn't configure the settings properly. Go over the steps and make sure you put the settings in the right spot. If you want to use the ancient DS Wi-Fi config on DSi or 3DS for Gen 5, then you need to make sure there are no working connections in the other (more modern) configuration area.

Further reading: history of Wiimmfi, RiiConnect24 (whose DNS we're using to do this), Kaeru WFC setup instructions (uses a different DNS but still ends up at Wiimmfi), more advanced Kaeru WFC setup instructions, information about the "nds-constraint" issue that lets us do any of this to begin with

edited by
You also can create an mobile hotspot on linux with your home Wi-Fi.
I used this (https://github.com/lakinduakash/linux-wifi-hotspot) software and it worked.

!!Just make sure you create an open Wi-Fi and hide it or white list your DS’s MAC address via MAC filter. If you do not so, strangers can easily connect with your computer!!

Therefore be sure to read and understand how this method works!

I used @BottomlessSea ‘s DNS recommendation.
Please use the DNS in this answer instead as I am keeping it updated. was phased out.
what do i put in for the security key in step 2, how do i find that?
The security key is the password to your access point. If you configured the access point then you should know the security key. If there is no password, you can leave the field blank.
4 votes

First off, this is possible on the Nintendo 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, and 2DS XL for both generation 4 and 5, as well as the Nintendo DS and DS Lite for Generation 4. Nintendo DSi does not work for this, unfortunately
Ok, I’ll start with the easy one.
Gen 5 (BWB2W2)
To begin, have internet connection on your DS.
Go to “Change Settings” and get to “DNS”. Select the option to not auto obtain DNS. Make the primary DNS Leave the secondary DNS as all zeroes. Now, go to the Mystery Gift on your game and you can get mystery gifts. It will select a random one, and you can’t get the same twice. The following are
what you can get:

Scrafty (Lvl 50, 2011 Worlds)

Karrablast (Lvl 50, European Summer 2011 Pokemon Day)

Secret Egg (TRU 2011, Random 3 from Anime: Ash's Pidove, Iris's Axew, and Cilan's Pansage)

Pikachu (Lvl 50, 2012 Worlds, knows "Fly" move)

Pikachu (Lvl 100, 2012 Pika Pika Carnival event in Singapore, OT: Fes)

Pikachu (Lvl 100, Germany Summer 2012 Pokemon Day)

Victini (Lvl 50, Pokemon the Movie 2012 Black and White, has V-Create move)

Mewtwo (Lvl 70, Feb 2012, 1st Anniversary)

Darkrai (Lvl 50, May 2012, Dark Explorer's tie-in)

Keldeo (Lvl 15, Summer 2012, Black 2/ White 2 Pre Release)

Shiny Larvitar (Lvl 5, 2012 Worlds)

Shiny Dialga (Lvl 100, Summer 2013, Gamestop)

Shiny Palkia (Lvl 100, Summer 2013, Gamestop)

Shiny Giratina (Lvl 100, Summer 2013, Gamestop)

Smeargle (Lvl 50, 2013 Worlds)

Mewtwo (Lvl 100, 2013 Extremespeed Genesect Pre-Order Event in Japan)

Ray's Shiny Metagross (Lvl 45, 2013 Regionals)

Woler's Ludicolo (Lvl 30, 2013 Spring Regionals)

Cloyster (Lvl 30, 2013 Winter Regionals, Abram's)

Meloetta (Lvl 50, Spring 2013 Gamestop/ EB Games/ GAME)

Zekrom (Lvl 100, Spring 2012, Has "Bolt Strike" move)

Reshiram (Lvl 100, Spring 2012)

Zoroark (Lvl 50, Summer 2011, TRU)

Deoxys (Lvl 100, 2013, B2W2 Only)

Genesect (Lvl 15, Fall 2012, B2W2 Launch event, "Techno Blast" move)

Liberty Pass (Item to meet Victini)

Shelmet (Lvl 50, EU Pokemon Day 2011)

Now for the hard one.
Gen 4
> “ For the Gen 4 games, however, their internet settings were individual in each game. So, head into the opening menu, just after the title screen of your choice of game. Somewhere on the list, it’s going to mention Nintendo WFC. For Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver, use the above paragraph to do the same thing, but within the game settings. For Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum, it takes some additional steps.
Starting off, do you have Mystery Gift unlocked yet? Head to Jubilife City and into the Jubilife TV building. On the third floor, find the man in the bottom left area and he will ask two questions. For the first question, choose “Everyone” “Happy”, then for question two, answer “Wi-fi” “Connection”. This will unlock Mystery Gift in the usual menu before you start the game.
For the three in question, however, the stars have to align and you’ll need an older-style WPS setting on your router. Some older Wireless-N routers have them built in and it’s a matter of a setting. But, it will ask for the WPS code that is used instead of the usual password. Some phone hotspots have this ability built in as well and may take some additional settings to fiddle with. (In my case, it was not to be, no matter how hard I tried.) Try the same DNS settings as above (, but another additional possibility is putting as the primary and setting the secondary to or If none of these options work, you may be out of luck for this one.
Update December 3 2018: Gen 4 will work, but has to be configured within the game itself (use the same info, but once you're inside the game). You have to be using an older router or lower end hotspot under WEP to get it to work though. It will not connect without it. If it gets code 52100, you may need to put it on an iPhone network or you're out of luck. For help with solving the 60000 error, see below. As for the 52100 error, there's loads of great information available on the Mystery Gift post featured over on the Pokemon subreddit.”

As for the Pokémon:
Shiny Suicune (Lvl 30, Winter 2011)
Shiny Entei (Lvl 30, Winter 2011)
Celebi (Lvl 50, Winter 2011)
Crobat (Lvl 30, Worlds 2010)
Ash's Pikachu (Lvl 50, TRU)
Mew (Lvl 5, Fall 2010)
Jirachi (Lvl 5, Summer 2010)
Shiny Eevee (Lvl 50, Video Game Championship 2010)
Enigma Stone (Lvl 40, Latios in HG or Latias in SS)
Amity Meadows (Pokewalker Route Info, Japanese)
Rally (Pokewalker Route Info, Japanese)
Sightseeing (Pokewalker Route Info, Japanese)
Yellow Forest (Pokewalker, All Pikachu)
Winner's Path (Pokewalker Route Info)
Lock Capsule (Unofficial, separate Wonder Card section)
Jirachi (Lvl 5, Summer 2010)
Celebi (Lvl 50, Winter 2011)
Shiny Milotic (Lvl 50, Video Game Championships 2009)
Shiny Suicune (Lvl 30, Gamestop Event)
Shiny Entei (Lvl 30, Gamestop Event)
Shiny Raiku (Lvl 30, Gamestop Event)
Shiny Pichu (Lvl 30, Spring 2010, When brought to HGSS can give you Spiky Eared Pichu)
Crobat (Lvl 30, Worlds 2010)
Ash's Pikachu (Lvl 50, Phantom Champion Zoroark 2010)
Scizor (Lvl 50, Phantom Champion Zoroark 2010)
Regigigas (Lvl 100, TRU USA)
Regigigas (Lvl 100, EU Movie)
Deoxys (Lvl 50, 2008 Gamestop)
Arceus (Lvl 100, 2009 TRU)
Manaphy (Lvl 50, AU JB Hi-Fi)
Manaphy (Lvl 50, TRU)
Manaphy (Lvl 50, Nintendo World)
Crobat (Lvl 30, 2010 Worlds)
Weavile (Lvl 30, 2009 Worlds)
Lucario (Lvl 30, 2008 Worlds)
Darkrai (Lvl 50, ALAMOS, 4 possible with diff ID)
Shaymin (Lvl 50, TRU, Gracidea)
Dragonite (Lvl 50, TRU)
Pikachu (Lvl 20, Nintendo Zone, Knows "Present")
Key Item: Secret Key
Key Item: Membership Card
Key Item: Oak's Letter
Key Item: Unofficial, Azure Flute
App: Feeling Checker
App: Alarm Clock

Hope this helps!

Source: Experience and this

I’m playing white 2 and I keep getting the same 11 Pokémon on mystery gift and I was wonder if there is a fix?

The Pokémon are

Shiny giratina
Shiny palkia
Shiny dialga
Shiny metagross
Keldeo lvl 50
Special move deoxys
It might just be bad luck-maybe do something else and try again another day?
Hi, I know this is a little old but it's only a couple months. Techn56, in B2W2, you can only get those Pokemon as well as Mewtwo and Genesect, which I guess you just haven't gotten yet. It took me about an hour to get all of the Mystery Gifts to finally appear. The other Mystery Gifts for Gen 5 can only appear in BW.