Of either typing if it is dual typed, and including status moves(Not sure if that's what their called, but an example would be Growl.)
I am answering this by cross-referencing the other answer. Metapod (Gens 1-4, excluding HGSS) Pinsir (Gens 1, RS and FRLG) Magikarp (Gen 1-4, 6-7) Scyther (Gen 1) Silcoon (Gen 3 and DPPt) Cascoon (Gen 3 and DPPt) Beldum (Gen 3, DP, BW, XY and SM) Kricketot (DP) Source: https://pokemondb.net/pokebase/357303/are-there-any-pokemon-that-dont-get-stab-moves (I used this answer to eliminate most of the Pokemon and then just checked their movesets for each Generation)